It’s almost like ‘free-speech’ has very different meanings for different classes of people…

“Pornography is hate speech against women. If it was any other group that was made object to such depictions it would be rightly banned and decried. Again, I reiterate my point that when Bumfights was made, homeless and socio-economically disadvantaged boys and men were made to perform degrading acts on camera for cash. These videos were then disseminated and profited from. This rightly had a huge outcry.

Yet there is a several billion dollar industry that does this to girls and women every single day and no one gives a shit. In fact, men masturbate to it. The men behind the industry lobby politics and other industries to push their product (the commercial rape on camera of girls and women,) and continue to profit while girls and women on and off screen suffer for it. For men to get off to. That’s fucked up.”

-Found on Grumpybabcia