Apart from the denial of biological fact, it is shit like this.   Men do not respect the boundaries set by women.  The attempts to shame Lesbians into straight sex is absolutely horrifying.  But this is allowed to fly because the authors of said tweets are exercising their male privilege watch them define words and meanings – the power to name things is almost exclusively male in our society.  When women push back against this baseless, putrid, tide of inanity they are ostracized, harassed, and threatened.

That, dear readers, is bullshit.

I hope the transactivist antics at the Woman’s March spurred more women to experience their peak-trans moment, to realize that feminism is about centring the needs of females (as in the liberation from patriarchy and patriarchal standards).  It shouldn’t even have to be said, yet it must be repeated until the message sinks in – Feminism is for females as a class and their fight against patriarchy.

This whole liberation from patriarchy idea tends to be quite of putting to dudes (whatever their stripe).  It would seem that if one is making dudes uncomfortable, then you’re on the right path.  The converse also applies, if one is being lauded and supporting by the male types it is quite possible that your actions or beliefs are not really helping much (see much of liberal feminism).

Anyhow, these tweets by transactivists are the embodiment of male entitlement mixed with the inherent narcissism of identity politics (IP being the polar opposite of effective Feminism).   Enjoy. (?)


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