Why we can’t just let them have the word woman

——————- Part 1: General thoughts ——————-

Every time a woman asserts a boundary, the echoes start rolling in…

Can’t you just be nice?
Can’t you just take pity on the poor fella?
Can’t you just lie to make him feel better?
Can’t you just sacrifice yourself, again?
… isn’t that what women are supposed to do?

It should be obvious that this is an extremely sexist insistence on women’s obligation to put everyone else first, and also highly revealing of just how entitled people feel towards everything to do with women – our resources, our bodies, our time, our empathy, and now even the very words that define us.

Yet the trans takeover of popular feminism has been so gradual and so manipulative that many have found themselves groomed into something that acts very much like a misogynistic cult.

Unlike any other civil rights movement, the one for women’s liberation is expected to solve everyone else’s issues before we might – hypothetically – be allowed to stand up for our own rights and needs.
Rather than fight against male supremacy, male violence and male exploitation of women, we are told, once again, that we need to not only include men, but center them, defer to them, shrink ourselves for their benefit.

These days “inclusion” always means inclusion of males. The women and girls who don’t want to be around men and boys, who want to be safe, have privacy and maybe even dare talk about women’s issues? We aren’t included. We aren’t deemed important.
Boys must be included in girls’ locker rooms and wherever else they want to go. The girls? Well they’re bigots if they say anything about it.

This is called progressive.

That is not only madness, it is saying in no uncertain terms that the whims of males matter more than the safety, rights and very definition of females.

Women are not your fucking giving trees. We are not resources to be harvested by men, used, abused, consumed and thrown away.

And here’s the thing. The thing that means the trans activists will never be satisfied, that the moving of the goal posts will never ever end:

A man cannot become a woman.

No matter how much you wish, how much you threaten, how much you throw yourself on the ground and demand, demand, demand.

These entitled, misogynistic, rage-filled men are so used to getting their way that they fancy themselves the rulers of material reality.
They cannot accept or even fathom that this delusional desire is out of reach of their grabby, male hands.
Their demands will never end, because they are impossible to satisfy.

Even if they burn every witch, even if they call the truth hate speech, even if they pick our bones clean…

Those bones will still be female.
And theirs never will be.

Even with all the power and male aggression in the world, you cannot force a lie to become true.

Men cannot have the word woman, because the truth fucking matters.

And so do women and girls.