Hey parents you can start the child grooming process early with the help of CBC kids.  This helpful section will indoctrinate your child into the hollow vacuum that is gender ideology and all the pathological self hatred that goes along with it.  Children need stability in their formative years.  Introducing them to the ever shifting sands of gender nonsense is not doing them any favours.

There are male and female pronouns.  They correspond to the physical reality we encounter in society.  Someone’s feelings about their sex can never change what their sex is.

How you feel about your sex is irrelevant.  You are either male or female.  The term Non-Binary is nothing-burger.  It is a meaningless sexist term that has no bearing on the real world.  Why sexist?  Ask yourself, what is it to be to be a female or male?  Automatically a list of societal sex stereotypes will appear in your consciousness.

Men and Women have personalities.  Those claiming special identities should look into developing an actually interesting persona instead of making the rest of society play word games to appease them.  More to the point, children do not to need look to adults with a paucity of personality on how to order their world.

Actually gender is about boys and girls.  In society we have a set of gender stereotypes prescribed for males and female in society.  Gender is mostly socially constructed arbitrary bullshit that is often a hindrance in the development of well rounded boys and girls.  People from both sexes are free to enact gender traits/stereotypes either side of the binary.  Enacting or following a particular set of gendered norms is simply that – it cannot and will not ever change your sex.

Gender Identity is nonsense that has subverted the idea of gender non conformity and the idea of having a personality and has replaced them with a fragile construction of basing your self worth on the validation and approval of others.  In other words, a recipe for childhood disaster, because no other person is obligated to validate your subjective gender feelings.  CBC Kids, how about let’s not groom children into the grievance/validation negative self spiral?

*Sigh* Can we not confuse children with millions of terms for people who lack adequate personality formation?  That would be great.  A big No Thank You to CBC kids and their program for destabilizing childhood identity formation.