And the rebuttal from Professor Gary Francione.  Please note this is the way you must always answer queer arguments and conclusions – the identification of where they intentionally blur boundaries or insert esoteric meanings to common words must be highlighted.

 TRAs use this argument all the time. It is a silly argument. 

  Here’s an easy rebuttal to keep in mind: Segregation and homophobia are morally wrong because they deny full membership in the moral and legal community based on the irrelevant criteria of race and sexual orientation.

   Biological sex is *very* relevant to concerns about violence toward biological females. Violence against women is a matter of their biology and the demeaning cultural ideas that women are things for sexual use by men. Because these ideas attach to women in virtue of femaleness, they do not bring in transwomen, who are not similarly situated.

   No one is saying that segregation is wrong because black people are really white people or that homophobia is wrong because all gay people are really straight. But that is exactly what the TRA claim is: separating males and females is wrong because some men are really women.

   That requires the acceptance of a metaphysical belief claim that is indistinguishable from a religious claim and that no one is required to accept in a liberal, pluralistic society.”