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    Nothing gets the juices flowing more than a little woke hypocrisy in the afternoon.  Scrolling through facebook I saw a post for a choral get together with the goal of showing “the transphobes” how wrong they are.
    My first reaction was one of exasperation because the individual who uttered it is currently kicking up a huge fuss in the choral community.  The reason?  She got in a disagreement with the conductor about whether wearing a “they/them” pronoun pin on stage was acceptable part of the dress code for a professional choir.
  Pro-tip:  It’s not.  And she wouldn’t let it go – so Fing around and finding out involved not having her contract renewed with said professional choir.  Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.  Unfortunately, as it is with so many of the Woke zealots, she has an activist bent and has been wailing about how oppressive the decision was and how the ‘ENTIRE ORGANIZATION’ is transphobic.  This is the standard tactic for the woke activist – you call something/someone transphobic until they relent to your demands or the organization crumbles.  It’s bullshit and I hope the professional choir as the fortitude to withstand the struggle session it is being put through.
  “They/them” othered their ideological opponents in a public comment and I found that to be infuriating because there is no sense of fairness in the statement.   “Othering” is a one way problem.
  People that meltdown when people are “othered” shouldn’t participate in the othering of their ideological opponents. Calling people you disagree with “transphobes” illustrates the strong lack of an ethical system behind followers of gender ideology.
   So many people get taken in by the bullshit woke propaganda around gender ideology.  People who usually ‘follow the science’ seem to turn off that part of their brain and go along with the “be kind, be inclusive” crowd without a second critical thought.  Their behaviour boggles the mind.
   The information is out there – heck – even in the Calgary Herald.  Why are people suddenly so desperately incurious about issues they claim to be staunch and relentless defenders of?
From the Calgary Herald Dr. Roy Eappen Endocrinologist writes –
“As a practising endocrinologist who understands what these invasive and irreversible medical interventions can do to young people, I couldn’t be more supportive of Alberta’s decision to protect children. There’s not nearly enough evidence to justify their use on children, yet there’s plenty of evidence that they harm them.
Unsurprisingly, this move has come under swift attack from some in Canada’s “chattering classes” including journalists, some academics and a few politicians who are either unaware or don’t care about the realities of kids’ bodies.
To that end, there has been a torrent of media coverage alleging that Alberta is endangering children and abandoning medicine. That’s false. Sex-reassignment interventions can do serious physical and mental damage, leading to lifelong health programs that would otherwise be avoided.
Besides, Canadians who uncritically support such physical interventions to children and teenage bodies would do well to broaden their horizons. They may be surprised to learn that international organizations and European countries that they commonly look to for leadership are urging the very caution that they oppose.”
   Damn, I guess that would make the medical associations in the UK, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and France ALL SERIOUSLY TRANSPHOBIC.
Along with the hypocrisy the usual woke tactic is to call everything they disagree with as “insert slur here” rather than presenting an argument or compelling evidence.
Dr. Eappen continues:
“Consider the World Health Organization (WHO). Last month, the WHO declined to issue guidelines for transgender procedures for children, on the grounds that “the evidence base . . . is limited and variable regarding the longer-term outcomes.” The words “limited” and “variable” are significant and cautionary. The first, “limited,” means it’s far from clear that so-called “gender-affirming” medical interventions are beneficial. The second, “variable,” hints at the evidence that children who get these interventions suffer. Coming from the World Health Organization, that’s quite a statement indeed.
Or consider Europe. A growing number of countries have already banned or severely restricted children’s access to transgender interventions, based on systematic reviews of the science. That includes England, Sweden, Finland and Norway, while Belgium, France, Ireland and Italy have raised concerns. We’re talking about countries that are generally aligned with Canada, ideologically. They’re looking at the science and seeing red flags. What’s wrong with Alberta doing the same thing?
Canadians who reflexively see gender transition as an extension of previous advocacy for gay civil rights should know that it’s not. Instead, “gender-affirming” care for children is essentially gay conversion therapy.
Multiple studies have found that most kids who are confused or distressed about their sex end up realizing they’re gay — nearly two-thirds in a 2021 study of boys. Yet if they go down a transgender road, they’ll lose sight of who they really are.
Before England started taking child safeguarding seriously, clinicians at the country’s main transgender service referred to prescribing puberty blockers as “transing the gay away.” They also joked that “there would be no gay people left” if they continued helping kids medically transition. Is that really what Canadians want for our country’s gay and lesbian kids?
The fact is that about 80 per cent of children who believe they’re transgender eventually come to terms with their sex without surgical or pharmaceutical intervention. The worst thing we could do is prevent them from discovering who they really are by pushing them down the road of irreversible medical interventions.
Alberta has joined Saskatchewan and New Brunswick in doing the right thing. Now the rest of Canada should follow suit.”
  So it looks like evidence based medicine is transphobic, material reality is transphobic, and really the truth must be at least doubly transphobic.
Link to the Calgary Herald – hhtps://
Sorry folks just tired of the fact free hyperbole surrounding the issue.  We need to get back to reality based arguments.  The sooner the better.

This is exactly the sort of conversations we need to be having here in Canada. The pernicious nature of gender ideology must be exposed and critiqued in the public sphere. People must be allowed to form their opinions based on the facts, not coercion, which is the typical method used when any issue about transgenderism and gender ideology crops up.

Paola Diana is simply on fire in this interview – she dispatches all the tropes thrown at her and women to bully and silence them into submission.

This quote from GAG illustrates exactly how gender ideology has unscrupulously inserted itself into our society and institutions. It subverts ideas and twists programs that sound like what they once were but now align with the tenets of regressive gender ideology. This is why it so hard to convince low information people of the danger and harm that gender ideology represents. G.I puts the Big Bad Wolf to shame when it comes to misrepresenting what it is.

Men should not be competing against women in contact sports.  It is hazardous for women.  This is the result of people unknowingly supporting gender ideology the endangerment and erasure of female in their sports and society.

Demand more of your politicians – demand they come back to reality and ensure the safety of women in our society.  Photo and quotes from Reduxx.


“Female martial artists have come forward to reveal that male athletes claiming to be transgender have completely overtaken the women’s categories of a major grappling association, leaving them fearing for their safety in many instances. One of the men, Corissa Griffith, took home four gold medals in the women’s category during a tournament in Georgia on October 21.

The North American Grappling Association (NAGA) is the largest submission grappling association in the world, and facilitates standards and tournaments in various martial arts, including Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. But while NAGA has provided competition categories for males and females since its inception in 1995, it has recently become the subject of controversy after a number of female athletes were found to have been matched up against trans-identified males.”



“Ansleigh Wilk affirmed Alexander’s sentiment, and added that most female participants feel unable to vocally protest the gender self-identification policies.

“The majority of the women feel scared to even speak out about this matter. They don’t want to be labeled a bigot or transphobic,” Wilk said. “There’s so many girls just not signing up now because they are allowing this. Women’s sports will cease to exist if this keeps up. Medals, belts, records, and money are going to be stripped right away from women.”

Marshi Smith similarly notes that women have been self-excluding from the competitions, but that attempts to formally lodge complaints about being paired up against males have fallen on deaf ears.

“I have now spoken to four women who have all fought male fighters in the combat sport of Jiu Jitsu. They are extremely upset. They are self-excluding. They are emailing federation leadership and being dismissed. These organizations and teams that are encouraging this dangerous display of violence against women need to be publicly shamed into doing what is right for women or reap the outrage that comes with cowardice.”

In this video Navajo Historian, Wally Brown discusses the difference between male and female in Navajo Culture.

Citing Fundamental law Wally teaches about how the two are different but at the same time require the other.

Well well well. Looks like some Navajo Elder is just begging to be cancelled for his ‘gender essentialist’ bigotry.

The truth is that sex is real and was very important to Navajo culture. Woke Cultural Anthropologists might disagree as they have a ideology to protect and promote so the “Two-Spirit” facade must continue.


Justdad7 has the lowdown on the real cultural appropriation going on. 



1/ Time to call on out the 2S part of the every shifting 2SLGBTQIA+ tag. Woke white people who casually use the term two-spirit are engaging in a form of cultural appropriation far more damaging than hipsters in feather headdresses. By PC bro - Own work, CC BY...
2/ The term two-spirit was first used in 1990 at a conference in Winnipeg to describe gay and gender non-conforming people. In some indigenous cultures, it has a very specific meaning and others don’t recognize it at all.…
3/ Some indigenous communities, such as the Dakota, have an understanding of two-spirit that is quite different from contemporary theories of gender identity and does not include a ‘third sex’ or denial of sex differences.

4/ Indigenous cultures are diverse and complex. Much traditional knowledge has been lost or distorted in the process of colonization. In some cases the only evidence we have of LGBT indigenous peoples comes from the writing of explorers and missionaries.
  Check out his substack here.


The medical establishment in Ireland is being led away from evidence based medicine by the gender ideologues.  Nothing good can come of it.


“This week another expert in his field offered a considered opinion and he has been studiously ignored. At various times in recent years, his expertise has attracted personal abuse. His credentials are unimpeachable but the problem is he is bearing inconvenient truths at a time when such truths are considered to be more trouble than they’re worth.

Professor Donal O’Shea is well known for his media contributions on obesity. He is the HSE’s national clinical lead on obesity but he also works as an endocrinologist in the National Gender Service within the executive. He has worked for over twenty-five years within the area of gender dysphoria. Last weekend he told the Sunday Independent that he and his colleague, psychiatrist Paul Moran, are alarmed that the HSE is trying to set up an “activist led” gender service which will be “dangerous for patients”. The HSE is currently advertising for a clinical lead in the National Gender Service but bizarrely prior experience is not a prerequisite.”

Better to stop it before it takes root my Irish friends.  The damage it has done to children here in Canada is an ongoing tragedy.


People are waking up and appraising the damage being done by gender ideology. This from D.C.L. on twitter.

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