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Become aware of the people that are on the front lines trying to bring society back to reasonable place.

A detailed summary can be found here, but Andrew Doyle pretty much says it all.


Transgender ideology is riddled with contradictions.  This is because acceptance of said ideology is not based on a rational choice, but rather an emotional or coercive ploy.  This is why silencing/shaming critics of trans ideology is the preferred method of ‘discourse’ because if examined rationally the entire rotten edifice would collapse.


Buried in the French language press a telling incident of transgender activist violence against Canada’s National Broadcaster for daring to tell the truth about irreversible puberty blockers and surgical child mutilation (aka Gender Affirming Care).

This is a translation from the LA PRESS website

“An investigation was opened by Montreal police into acts of vandalism committed on the premises of Radio-Canada in Montreal earlier last week.

Gestures claimed online as a response to the recent broadcast of a report by the program Investigation into gender transition therapies among minors.

 At 2:20 a.m. on March 13, a call was made to 911 concerning misdeeds committed at the building of a “media company” in the Ville-Marie borough, the Ville-Marie police department confirmed. of Montreal (SPVM). “Upon their arrival on the scene, the police noticed that there were broken windows at one of the entrances to the building,” explains a spokesperson for the police force, Caroline Chèvrefils. According to the first information available, “one or more suspects” caused this damage before fleeing, she adds.

The investigation is still ongoing and no arrests have been made at this time. The SPVM intends to view images from surveillance cameras that captured the scene. The state-owned company confirmed on Saturday that it had been the target of these acts of vandalism. “Suspects actually damaged three windows in our building and then fled,” said its spokesperson, Marc Pichette. This is an unfortunate act of vandalism.

» Claimed online On Friday, an anonymous press release was published on the Montréal Contre-information website, a platform used by anarchist activists to claim their actions. The text suggests that these acts of vandalism are intended as a response to the recent broadcast of a report on the program Enquête sur les therapies de transition de sexe. Broadcast on February 29, the report in question, entitled Trans express, focuses on the issue of adolescents who wish to change their gender and the fact that the Quebec health system “responds very quickly to their requests for medical transition by prescribing blockers, testosterone and mastectomies.” “Is it normal for a 14 year old girl to get a prescription for testosterone within minutes? »,

We can read in the description of the investigation, on the show’s website. However, the text published on Montréal Counter-information accuses the state corporation of “using its large platform to amplify transphobic speeches close to those of the extreme right”. “This report represents an ideological shift which serves to legitimize the transphobic demands of the far right, which will fuel violence against trans communities, which are currently increasingly targeted,” continues the text, the authors of which remain unknown.”

Here is what the deranged trans activists wrote about their attack on our public broadcaster (see the original here, using screenshots in case they take it down).

Let’s go examine the reporting that caused this low level terrorism from – Gender Medical Transition among minors: is Quebec Going too fast?


A quote directly contradicting the THIS NEVER HAPPENS narrative bullshit we constantly hear from the activist Left:

“On January 30, 14-year-old Sachay, alone, comes to a private chic clinic for his medical appointment. The girl identifies herself as transgender and, to initiate her transition to the other sex, she needs a prescription of male hormones, testosterone. It has not been referred by any doctor, psychologist or therapist.

In this way, it hopes to avoid the long waiting list of public clinics.

In less than three bminutes, Sacha describes to the doctor who receives her her tortuous relationship with her body, which she claims to hate from the age of 12. Having been diagnosed with an eating disorder in doubt, Sacha is convinced to be transgender after watching a video of a transgender young man on the Internet. He also realized “that he was not in the right body” after being diagnosed with an eating disorder.

After asking the girl if she had the support of her parents, the doctor goes on: “Do you consider any surgeries in the future?” Sacha doesn’t grab it right away: “Surgery… like?” “Mastectomy, remove the chest”, says the family doctor, before giving him the coordinates of the Montreal clinic where these operations are carried out.

When injected in the long term, the testosterone she wishes to obtain from the doctor may make a woman infertile. The possibility of a future pregnancy is raised in one question: “I understand that it is a little far away for you, at 14 years of age … Fertility, is it something you want to keep before you start?”, the doctor says. “Uh… no. I always knew I didn’t want a child”,” replied Sacha. “OK,” chained the general practitioner.

After nine minutes of consultation, Sacha gets his prescription: 30 mg testosterone to be injected once a week.”

17  minute Gender Assessments by ‘qualified doctors’ following the feelings based WPATH guidlines:

  “Contacted by our team, the doctor says he adheres to the guidelines of WPATH, the international grouping of transgender health professionals. The body recommends a complete physical, psychological and social assessment before starting the medical transition of an adolescent.”

The suicide coercion ploy spelled out:

“This includes an Ontario study that transgender people in transition are 27 times more likely to commit suicide than those who have completed their transition. Or, this statistic on the probabilities of suicide attempt that would increase by 93% among transgender youth “without strong parental support”.

For the former holder of the Research Chair on trans youth and their families, this is a figure that comes to the fore. “Parental support is the number one protective factor among trans youth”, argues Annie Pullen Sansfaçon.

But other researchers are protesting against the use of these statistics among parents of transgender children. “It is ethically irresponsible to present these suicide statistics to parents”, “reacts” Samuel Veissière, an anthropologist for medicine and associate professor of psychology at UQAM. “When studying young people in gender questioning showing very high rates of suicidality and compared to other young people referred to in mental health, we talk about about the same rates.”

“This kind of message, according to Samuel Veissière, is tantamount to a form of coercion to impose the affirmative model on parents.”

Nor would there be any evidence that the take of blockers would soothe these young people with black ideas, psychiatrist Michael Landen continues. “There is no evidence that puberty blockers or hormones of the other sex reduce the suicide rate. None”, says the doctor and researcher at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.”

Way to go Radio Canada!

The Radio Canada investigation has inspired other activists to post their fact free rebuttable hit pieces online.  See how many false assertions you can spot along with the outright lies here.




There is going to be an accountability crisis in our institutions.  They have knowingly and actively participated in medical practices (Gender Affirming Care) that have little to no evidence of their efficacy and plenty of evidence of their harm.

The lawsuits are just around the corner as children are still being surgically mutilated and sterilized for life by medical professionals who decided to throw the notion of “do no harm” and “evidence based medicine” out the window in favour of dogmatic fact free ideologies (transgender ideology).

Tildeb is a frequent loquacious commenter here on DWR, but in this comment he really puts a fine point on what is about to happen in so many of our institutions here in Canada.  I recommend you check out his work over at Questionable Motives.  Tildeb writes:


  “Now we get to find out who is actually ethical – and able to change their much ballyhooed ‘just-be-kind’ opinions and beliefs based on best evidence and facts to align with reality – and who is not. Let’s see who the ideologues really are, the modern day snake oil conmen.

  We get to see the naked truth about those who remain dedicated to a lie: they are not concerned with what’s true nor are they able to use reality to judge their beliefs. They do so for some other reason… and they leave a trail of victims in their wake… a small price, apparently, to pay for them to feel oh-so-good about themselves.We get to see who is promoting even more deceit in order to maintain this incredibly selfish need to feel good about themselves over and above the basic health of children.


  Now we get to see which of these ‘champions of social justice’ who have claimed they ‘support the science’ step up and actually do so by rejecting the lies of gender ideology.  And we will see who is rejecting the science when reality is unable to align with what turns out to be a faith-based belief narrative about gender ideology with its harsh and condemning judgement of it, that implementing this ideology on vulnerable children – supported from the classrooms of the nation to our ‘best’ legal minds – is both scientifically incoherent/unjustifiable and medically cruel.

  And we shall see why those who insist that they are concerned about the welfare and mental health of vulnerable children are not the ones acting against these kids’ best interests in the name of this pernicious pseudoscience but those who have been so widely condemned as ‘transphobes’ for their criticism of it.

  Truth will win out in the end because reality is not a personal opinion or cherished belief. It is not altered by magical words, by playing linguistic games. It is there waiting to arbitrate our beliefs about it. The method to do so is called ‘science’ and it is uncompromising. And that’s why more of us need to support seeking what’s true and be humble enough to go along with its judgement about our beliefs rather than giving in and giving up to activists promoting this most recent example of hysterical popular delusions in the name of something else.”

Powerful stuff.  Thank you Tildeb for your words.


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