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It’s been weird over in twitterland regarding Canadian politics as of late.  The amount of furor and nasty partisan attacks going both ways seem to have intensified – people are doubling and tripling down on their hills to die on.  I’m not sure as to exactly why, but here’s an example.  This is a attack by a self identified Liberal supporter in Canada.

It is my understanding that one part of the Left’s body politic is this small topic called “Feminism”.  One of the things that Feminists point to and try to move society away from is judging women by their looks.  “Vicki” not only does this, but then further extrapolates what Pierre Poilievre ‘s wife’s motivations are. Her name is Anaida Poilievre which never seems to be mentioned – another little detail that would rankle most authentic feminists as believe it or not women exist outside of their relationships to men.  But treating women as subjects as opposed to objects seems to be a bridge too far for Vicki in her blind rage against all things Pierre Poilievre.



I would be concerned if I was part of the Liberal tribe because how you treat your political enemies reflects on no one but yourself, and letting unhinged partisan hackery slip into outright misogyny isn’t a flattering perception to demonstrate in the public sphere.

At one time I thought that perhaps the level of Canadian political discourse was a little less divisive and partisan – at least compared to our neighbours down south – I was wrong.

Some sound advice from the author Mama Ain’t Playin’ Stopping the infiltration of gender ideology into our schools and institutions will require people to work together and support each other in their defense of well…, the material reality we all share.  Start small and be honest with yourself and those around you, the social pressure to conform and (insidiously) ‘be kind’ will be there, but you need to push past it.  It is only then you will realize that proponents of trans ideology don’t actually have arguments that hold water.  Their entire shtick relies on social shaming, outright deception, and coercive tactics designed to shut down questions and debate.

The Truth does not need to be shielded from questions and debate.  Specious bullshit on the other hand…

What can we do, and are we still feminists?

​I’m speaking to other middle-aged feminist (or formerly feminist) mothers out there who have seen the corrosion of reality that transgenderism has wrought in our institutions and our children. I believe it’s critical to speak up in our local environments and make our opposition to gender ideology known. I know this is scary—but something to consider is that as feminists, we have special powers in turning back the tide on transgenderism. This is something I’m just wading into myself these days, but here’s my strategy:

  1. Lay the groundwork & build a network. You have friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and colleagues who respect you and trust you. When political matters come up in conversation, talk about your misgivings about gender ideology. Be specific about what you’ve seen in your family or your local environment, and talk frankly about your concerns. I have found that 95% of the people I talk to like this acknowledge that they have concerns too. When it’s time to take the next step, you’ll want to have some friends and colleagues on your side.
  2. Make your opposition to gender ideology public. You can do this at a school board meeting if your district is considering new policies or if there’s a controversy about a sports team or library book. You can also do this at work if and when gender ideology comes up, especially if you’re in a leadership role. Stay calm and focus on the facts. Not everyone in your network will back you up publicly, but some may be encouraged to come forward to support you vocally.
  3. Focus on a few facts. Think of two or three big points or issues you’d like to highlight, and stick to those. As many people have pointed out, just telling other people about the truth of transgender “medicine,” about Planned Parenthood’s disturbing role in sterilizing young people today, and about the more revolting male sexual fetishists involved in this movement—among other horrors—can make us sound like QAnon conspiricists to people who aren’t following the issue closely. In my work environment, explaining how gender ideology is in conflict with other progressive values like gay rights and how it tends to concretize sexist stereotypes is probably the way to go. Another way of approaching this with people involved in health care or the environmental movement would be to raise questions about the sustainability of transgender medicine with its dependence on lifelong cross-sex hormones and their debilitating effects. You will find your own way of communicating your message with the group/s you want to reach.
  4. Social media food fights are a waste of time. We’re too old for this shit, and if we have trans-identified kids ourselves, it’s probably counterproductive.
  5. Talk about what’s great about being a woman. If you are a teacher or professor, or you have daughters, or you work with young people in any capacity: remind them how far we have come towards sex equality in our society. It’s unprecedented in all of world history! Pick up a women’s history book and read it. To think that this has happened in just sixty years, barely two generations—it’s amazing! Remind your young female colleagues and family members that they are the most powerful people in the world, because they have the capacity to bring forth new life and to nurture the next generation. We need to see motherhood as a source of power and influence, not as a liability or a victim status. That seems like a very obvious feminist goal, one that many so-called feminists today would deny or diminish.

My relationship to feminism is unclear at this point. I don’t want to liberate myself from men, and I very powerfully want to distance myself from the toxic femininity I see among other so-called feminists who are pushing transgender ideology.

The New York Times has a great opinion piece on the wrongful demonization of JK Rowling.  Her crime?  Standing up for the rights of women.

     “This campaign against Rowling is as dangerous as it is absurd. The brutal stabbing of Salman Rushdie last summer is a forceful reminder of what can happen when writers are demonized. And in Rowling’s case, the characterization of her as a transphobe doesn’t square with her actual views.
So why would anyone accuse her of transphobia? Surely, Rowling must have played some part, you might think.
     The answer is straightforward: Because she has asserted the right to spaces for biological women only, such as domestic abuse shelters and sex-segregated prisons. Because she has insisted that when it comes to determining a person’s legal gender status, self-declared gender identity is insufficient. Because she has expressed skepticism about phrases like “people who menstruate” in reference to biological women. Because she has defended herself and, far more important, supported others, including detransitioners and feminist scholars, who have come under attack from trans activists. And because she followed on Twitter and praised some of the work of Magdalen Berns, a lesbian feminist who had made incendiary comments about transgender people.
     You might disagree — perhaps strongly — with Rowling’s views and actions here. You may believe that the prevalence of violence against transgender people means that airing any views contrary to those of vocal trans activists will aggravate animus toward a vulnerable population.
But nothing Rowling has said qualifies as transphobic. She is not disputing the existence of gender dysphoria. She has never voiced opposition to allowing people to transition under evidence-based therapeutic and medical care. She is not denying transgender people equal pay or housing. There is no evidence that she is putting trans people “in danger,” as has been claimed, nor is she denying their right to exist.
    Take it from one of her former critics. E.J. Rosetta, a journalist who once denounced Rowling for her supposed transphobia, was commissioned last year to write an article called “20 Transphobic J.K. Rowling Quotes We’re Done With.” After 12 weeks of reporting and reading, Rosetta wrote, “I’ve not found a single truly transphobic message.” On Twitter she declared, “You’re burning the wrong witch.”

Good until it goes Jesus crazy at the end.

Why do fellow progressives seem to lose their grounding in reality once gender magic is mentioned?  How can one *not* see the enormous problems that go along with enabling men – at their whim – to identify as women?

Really?  No problems with that?  We just have the evidence of well… since forever about predatory male behaviour and yet, the neo-progressives think that this male behaviour will somehow magically stop?

Get a grip.

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