It’s been weird over in twitterland regarding Canadian politics as of late.  The amount of furor and nasty partisan attacks going both ways seem to have intensified – people are doubling and tripling down on their hills to die on.  I’m not sure as to exactly why, but here’s an example.  This is a attack by a self identified Liberal supporter in Canada.

It is my understanding that one part of the Left’s body politic is this small topic called “Feminism”.  One of the things that Feminists point to and try to move society away from is judging women by their looks.  “Vicki” not only does this, but then further extrapolates what Pierre Poilievre ‘s wife’s motivations are. Her name is Anaida Poilievre which never seems to be mentioned – another little detail that would rankle most authentic feminists as believe it or not women exist outside of their relationships to men.  But treating women as subjects as opposed to objects seems to be a bridge too far for Vicki in her blind rage against all things Pierre Poilievre.



I would be concerned if I was part of the Liberal tribe because how you treat your political enemies reflects on no one but yourself, and letting unhinged partisan hackery slip into outright misogyny isn’t a flattering perception to demonstrate in the public sphere.

At one time I thought that perhaps the level of Canadian political discourse was a little less divisive and partisan – at least compared to our neighbours down south – I was wrong.