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A Poisoned Environment The Ontario Human Rights Commission states that a poisoned environment is a form of discrimination.

An example given is a man who claims to possess invisible female essence being forced to use the men’s room at work. This can lead to a “hostile and oppressive atmosphere.”

But the truth is, gender identity ideology is the poison, a very potent one, and just one drop is enough to destroy entire families, workplaces, schools, and institutions.

When parents who are true believers in gender souls transition their young child, it becomes the job of the child’s whole school to validate the lie. Every child in the school must be detached from reality, forced to live in a fictional world where humans can change sex like clownfish.

The poisonous ideology then inevitably claims more young victims.

When a teen tumbles down a gender rabbit hole online, and emerges believing that all her pubertal woes are a sign she is transgender, her family is supposed to accept that her whole childhood was a lie.

They are forbidden from using her name, and they’re supposed to celebrate the medical demolition of her healthy body. Failure to do so makes them abusive parents.

When an employer hires one of those curious beings who claim to be sexless, everyone in the workplace has to walk on eggshells, taking pains to mangle the English language so as not to offend the perpetually offended.

When a man decides to move on from just masturbating wearing women’s clothes to wearing them all the time, everyone in his workplace has to deny the evidence of their own eyes and pretend he has magically transformed into a woman.

Women must quell their unease and gladly welcome him into their spaces.

When an institution like the YWCA becomes poisoned by gender identity ideology, it finds itself prioritising sex offenders’ rights over the comfort and safety of rape survivors.

Fortunately, there is a very effective antidote to this particular poison, and it’s called the truth. When everyone stops going along with the lie, out of kindness and a misguided sense of compassion, the poison will lose its strength, and we can start to edge back towards sanity.


-Mia on “X”.

Having established norms and boundaries in society is a good thing.  Is the balance between personal freedom and what is good for society perfect?

Of course not.

But the current system which is always under small scale revision, is a reasonable way forward.  The basis of this incremental move toward a more just society is the ability of society’s inhabitants to participate freely in the decision making processes.  Individual freedom and the individual freedom of expression are two of the main cogs in the machinery of successful society.

The freedom we experience in Western societies such as Canada is not absolute.  We have reasonable limits and laws curtailing what citizens can and cannot do within Canadian society.  These laws and limits change with society over time and if we proceed carefully we can usually arrive at compromise that ensures our rights and responsibilities remain in a reasonable place for most people.

So, what happens when we forgo discussion and debate about how rights and responsibilities work in society?  In the case of Canada we get legislation like Bill C-16 which creates opacity and confusion for many Canadians.

Bill C-16 adds the nebulous idea of ‘gender identity’ to the protected list of rights and freedoms in our Canadian Charter of Rights.  Unfortunately, gender identity is quite similar to astrology in terms of having little to no basis in material reality or being able to be empirically measured.  Gender identity is completely – utterly – subjective and because of its subjective nature presents many quandaries with regards to the other protected characteristics within the Charter.

Sex is another characteristic that people may not be discriminated against in our Charter – and herein lies the problem – to protect both ‘gender identity’ (astrology) and ‘sex’ (empirical, material reality) is fundamentally untenable.  Either women are adult human females, a discrete sex class or they are not.  There is not a viable middle position to take.

Our current government seems to have forgotten about Canadian females and the protections granted to them under our Charter of Rights.  This is perhaps best illustrated by the inclusion of males who claim to be women (via ‘gender identity’) being housed in female prisons.  If we are to stick to reality based discussion – no man can ever become a woman -our distinct physiology is encoded into every cell in our bodies.  Yet, because the government is currently prioritizing the gender feelings of males over the physical safety of women in female prisons we have quite a serious rights violation with regards to females in Canada.

This situation will not be easily resolved, but a first step would be the repeal of C-16 as the addition of gender identity into the charter is making society a much less safe place for Canadian females.





Find out exactly what SOGI is and how (if) it is being taught to your children.   Huge red flag right off the bat when you visit the website.  It states – “Everyone has a sexual orientation and gender identity.”  Gender identity is the risible bullshit that the activist Left is attempting to enforce and codify into our society.  Gender, simply, are the stereotypes associated with the sexes.  Most sex stereotypes (gender) are inaccurate and harmful for those forced to live within their bounds.  Get rid of gender and the toxic stereotypes that hurt people.  SOGI embraces the exact opposite of this.

From the Substack Woke Watch – Parents Push Back Hard in Western Canada:

“According to Executive Director Reg Krake, SOGI 123 is “a set of tools and resources to help create safer and more inclusive schools for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities. They include policies and procedures, inclusive learning environments, and age-appropriate teaching resources that are aligned to BC’s K-12 curriculum to help educators create a school environment where students feel safe, accepted, respected and welcome.” 

From the SOGI resource website the “three essentials for SOGI-Inclusive schools” are laid out:

  1. Policies & Procedures that explicitly reference SOGI have been proven to reduce discrimination, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts for all students.
  2. Inclusive Environments. Inclusive learning environments—including SOGI-inclusive signage, word choices, and extra-curricular opportunities—create a positive and welcoming space for all students.
  3. Teaching Resources. Lesson plans that teach diversity and respect and include examples of SOGI topics and 2SLGBTQ+ community members reflect the SOGI diversity in students’ lives and society. 

The red flags become apparent when you consider that SOGI 123 is designed for K-12 students. The first question I have is why is sexual orientation, sexuality in any form and gender identity something children in grades K-6 are being taught about or exposed to? Why are SOGI 123 approved books which contain age inappropriate sexual content made available to this cohort via school libraries?  There are also many questions concerning the appropriateness of material taught or made accessible to students in grades 7-12 as well.”

Find out what is going on in your school with your children.  See if the person you have entrusted your children with for 5 hours a day is using age inappropriate materials to adversely affect their cognitive and social development.

With thanks to Jean Hatchet for her feminist documentation and transcription work. This one is for Sally, and all the other women in too vulnerable a position to publicly advocate for single-sex services. Dear Edinburgh Rape Crisis, My name is Claire Heuchan. I’m a survivor of men’s sexual violence. And I’m writing this letter to […]

Open Letter to Edinburgh Rape Crisis Staff and Trustees — Sister Outrider

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