In this video Navajo Historian, Wally Brown discusses the difference between male and female in Navajo Culture.

Citing Fundamental law Wally teaches about how the two are different but at the same time require the other.

Well well well. Looks like some Navajo Elder is just begging to be cancelled for his ‘gender essentialist’ bigotry.

The truth is that sex is real and was very important to Navajo culture. Woke Cultural Anthropologists might disagree as they have a ideology to protect and promote so the “Two-Spirit” facade must continue.


Justdad7 has the lowdown on the real cultural appropriation going on. 



1/ Time to call on out the 2S part of the every shifting 2SLGBTQIA+ tag. Woke white people who casually use the term two-spirit are engaging in a form of cultural appropriation far more damaging than hipsters in feather headdresses. By PC bro - Own work, CC BY...
2/ The term two-spirit was first used in 1990 at a conference in Winnipeg to describe gay and gender non-conforming people. In some indigenous cultures, it has a very specific meaning and others don’t recognize it at all.…
3/ Some indigenous communities, such as the Dakota, have an understanding of two-spirit that is quite different from contemporary theories of gender identity and does not include a ‘third sex’ or denial of sex differences.

4/ Indigenous cultures are diverse and complex. Much traditional knowledge has been lost or distorted in the process of colonization. In some cases the only evidence we have of LGBT indigenous peoples comes from the writing of explorers and missionaries.
  Check out his substack here.