Queer theory has its origins in postmodern thought.  The use and misuse of language is a key part of how activists move the ball in arguments and society.

When up against an activist it is advisable to define terms and always name the dynamic present.  The responsibility lies with you to inform the low information audience exactly what the activist means when they say things that, ostensibly, sound reasonable.

Twitter people are getting better at dismantling the activist bullshit.   Let’s look at this example.

Notice the framing of the activist.  Here is the reply though.

See?  It takes so much more time to reveal the false claim – the truth married to a lie – the permeates most activist discourse.

1)  Here we have a man who ‘identifies as woman’ saying how could a man possibly know what women want/think.  Ironic.

2)  Queer Theory is against every norm in society – to be a queer activist is to have a political identity without as essence – there are no positive facts about being queer – it is a stance predicated on critiquing, deconstructing, and destroying the norms and ethics of stable societies.  There are no boundary conditions for queer activism.

3)  Gender ideology preaches to kids that if they feel uncomfortable in their bodies (part of going through puberty and adolescence) then changing your body to fit stereotypical gender roles and behaviour is the solution.  Of course, most children, grow out of any sort notions of dysphoria with their bodies, often becoming normal homosexual adults.  The activist is advocating for early hormone and surgical intervention to permanently mutilate a child’s physical body in an attempt to treat a mental condition – the polar opposite of ‘being themselves’.

It is work to refute the activists if they actually engage, but try to keep in mind you must always name the dynamic they are using and spell out exactly what they are arguing for.  Once the truth is revealed it is painfully obvious how tenuous the activist positions are.