Of course there was a protest. Because women speaking about their rights and boundaries is a hateful activity.

Vancouver is baffling to me, in retrospect. Having left I can see it more clearly, as a place teaming with proud progressives who believe themselves to be very invested in diversity and inclusivity but want nothing to do with people who aren’t exactly like them.

Not only that, but for people who consider themselves so very much more educated and worldly than everyone else, I’m shocked, again, in retrospect, at how insulated they are — how little they seem to understand about how people in other parts of the world, other cultures, other classes, and other communities think. The CBC blinders have offered not only a political virtuousness that prevents them even wanting to see outside their bubbles, lest their purity be tarnished by a wrongthought, but has also offered a version of “facts” and “truth” that don’t adjust according to the facts and the truth.





The absolute state of the progressive Left in Canada.