I’m going through my drafts and cleaning out the backlog of issues and items that, in the past, I’ve deemed worthy to create a post about.  This comment, gleaned from Meghan Murphy’s website The Feminism Current is a great response to the bullying, fear-mongering, and testerical reactions women have to deal with when confronted with the hostilely, fragile transactivist community. 

There cannot be much common ground between feminists and trans rights activists as long as you insist that it is “hateful” to call a spade a spade. A woman is an adult human female, and a female human is a person of the sex that produces large gametes (eggs). A man is an adult human male, and a male human is a person of the sex that produces small gametes (sperm). Transwomen by definition are male, meaning that adult transwomen are men. It’s the literal truth. There is no other concrete definition of the word woman which is not rooted in misogyny. “A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman” is a circular definition (what is one identifying as exactly?), basing it on gender presentation is sexist stereotyping and says that butch and GNC women are no longer women, and basing it on having a “female brain” is sexist and wrong because there is no such thing.

Here is an article about brain sex you can read: https://www.fastcompany.com…

Here are some points of agreement that you will find with most radical feminists: trans people do not deserve to be treated as less than human in any way, including discrimination on the basis of being trans. (That does not include forcing women to pretend that trans women are women — you can note that men are still people.) Also, gender expression should not be tied to one’s biological sex. Boys regardless of identity are allowed to wear dresses and hair barettes and like princess things.

The vast majority of feminists who are accused of hating trans people, are being abused for reasons as petty as this woman is. If you don’t understand why she says trans ideology is misogyny, think about what I said about the definition of a woman, think about what actually motivates institutional misogyny (Engels is a good start), and think about what would happen to feminism if we were operating off a definition of the word woman that was itself rooted in misogyny. If you don’t understand why she calls it homophobic, go read about the cotton ceiling and how lesbians are being increasingly expected to have sexual contact with a penis, and how this is considered an acceptable demand as long as it’s a “woman’s penis”. There is (part of) your misogyny and homophobia respectively.

“Cis” is being resisted here because, now that dysphoria is no longer needed to be trans, the implication of the word “cis” has necessarily narrowed quite a lot. Now instead of meaning “untransitioned and not seeking transition” it means “identifies with her gender role”. I am a woman and I was born female but I do not “identify as” a woman and I do not “identify with” the collection of stereotypes and social pressures that come with my gender. My gender is not innate nor was it chosen; it was imposed on me from birth because of my sex. To say I am “cis”, then, is deeply offensive as it implies that my oppression as a woman is somehow innate or self-imposed. You talk big about validating people’s identities but you don’t seem to have actually followed through because when this woman said, I don’t identify as cis, you completely flipped out.

You started a witch hunt on this poor woman because she has critical thinking skills and an opinion you either didn’t understand or found intolerable, and while your bar for calling transphobia is so low it’s on the floor, your bar for calling out sexism doesn’t seem to exist at all. There are a ton of misogynistic comments and calls for violence against women in these screencaps and it doesn’t look like you called out a single one. Is that really what you are calling feminism these days?

Women are calling out the bullshit arguments.  Thank god for that.  However, they are still women in a patriarchal society and therefore, getting their arguments even heard, not to mention taken seriously, is still problematic.

We need to continue to foster resistance toward any ideology that demands one to believe in notions that are patently false and incongruent with biological material reality.