Just gathering  information at the moment about this worrisome trend in academia and other locals in society.  But I think it is important to point out though that ‘being offended’ isn’t a valid reason for ending the career of a professor at a University.  The notion that you being offended is *enough* in the marketplace of ideas is corrosive and needs to be repudiated by post secondary institutions and society in general.

In the context of CSJ, the realization of the imperative is all that matters; it is the sine qua non of one’s existence. Thus, one’s views must, through a kind of simultaneously dogmatic and indeterminate CSJ-speak, adequately signal a commitment to that imperative, which is often attended by an aura of self-righteous, quasi-religious zeal. It is as unmistakable as it is alarming. Thus, far from being positive, my experience with proponents of CSJ has been just the opposite.

My larger concern, however, is that although militant CSJ students make up only a tiny fraction of the student body, as their numbers grow, their influence may further erode our ability to seek truth and uphold the core values of higher education, which include the centrality of critical thinking, the necessity of considering evidence, and the importance of civil dialog between people who hold opposing perspectives.

The threat to these values promises to become more pronounced as more and more students adopt a CSJ orientation, but the reality is that it only takes one to end everything from class discussions to an instructor’s career. All faculty, but especially those who don’t frame their subjects through the lens of CSJ, should learn to recognize this ideology. They need to protect themselves from its pitfalls and to prevent their courses from being undermined or even hijacked by well-meaning, but ultimately misguided students.”

Students often don’t know shit from shinola and should not have a hand in steering classroom activities.  Participating, hell yes, but steering? No.