Did you want to see an article that uses almost every activist Left trope?  Well of course you don’t, it’s an unpleasant venture no matter how you happen to slice it.

Yet here we are, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Any article that bears the nom de plume “Nicky Reid” automatically falls into the category of “What the fuck are the editors at Counterpunch thinking” when they post the risible rubbish that falls out of this dude’s head.  Let’s let the Red Pen of Justice (RPOJ) do its work though and highlight the batshit crazy tomfoolery and laughable thought terminating cliches deployed in this tirade against sensibility.

“As someone who proudly self-identifies as an aggressively open genderfuck anarchist, I get called a lot of ugly words, and I’ve made something of a tradition of owning most of them.”

We here at DWR are decidedly more parsimonious.  We’ll go with deluded idiot.

    “In fact, coming from the Eazy-E school of pejorative reclamation, I take a great deal of joy in picking up the slurs that bigots hurl at me like stones and hocking them right back in their pig faces. Truth be told, I’d much rather be tarred and feathered as a carpet munching tranny faggot any day of the week than to pass for another normie vanilla breeder.”

Our first stop in the activist Left playbook is the concept of positionality (or standpoint epistemology).  Positioinality is the ugly rhetorical device that exudes from the concept of “Intersectionality”.  Intersectionality (want the long definition go here) lies in the bedrock of much of the ‘discourse’ that is promulgated by the activist Left.  In short, intersectionality simply means that people often experience overlapping oppression within society.  For instance, the experience of oppression of being a black female is different (read more) as opposed to black male because not only is the a person black (racism), but they are also female (sexism).  While there is some actual use in using intersectionality for understanding how people are oppressed in society, it is mostly wielded as cudgel to silence and undermine critics.  The cudgel in question is positionality (standpoint epistemology) which is defined as this:

    “the perspectives from the lives of the less powerful can offer a more objective view of the social world, a view based on their experiences of being underprivileged that captures real disparities, instead of a view that ignores (or even erases) experiences of oppression and is more likely to be oblivious or blind to disparities and insensitive to injustice.”

In short, my opinion is better (‘truthier’) because I say I am oppressed.  Because, as I am oppressed I have access to a better understanding of the world, and the more different types of oppression I claim to have experiences the more ‘objective’ my opinions and arguments will be.  

  I apologize for these extra long digressions but they are so crucial to understanding the insane bullshit that comes part and parcel with activist discourse.  So to have any for what passes as ‘credibility’ in activist circles you need a list (longer the better) of how oppressed you are, and thus how much ‘extra-special double plus good’ your insights happen to be.  

  Does ‘Nicky’ state his oppression ‘credentials’?  Hmm… let’s see.   

1. Genderfuck anarchist.

2. Carpet munching

3. Tranny.

4. Faggot.

  That’s four “intersecting vectors of oppression” right there.  Nicky –obviously– must be very close to the world of objective fact…

   If you haven’t already puzzled it out, Nicky and the rest of the activist Left are positively allergic to the concepts of truth and objective fact.  It is because they desperately need for others to find their bullshit credible – and objectively speaking (often) it isn’t even remotely credible.  Instead of making more grounded cogent arguments they defenestrate objectivity and the commitment to veracity and claim epistemic authority through the risible lens of positionality (I’m oppressed and because *reasons*, I know better than you, take me serious you bigot!). 

“any day of the week than to pass for another normie vanilla breeder.”

Another activist trope.  The status-quo because it is not perfect, and in fact far from perfect in many respects, it is therefore all bad and must in every light be treated with scorn and contempt.  The irony here is that in more overtly communist/totalitarian societies (the kind Nicky is attempting to move us toward) the dissent and transgressive being expressed by Nicky would qualify him for social censure, repression, or worse.  Totalitarian societies do not tolerate *any* sort of threat queer or otherwise to the status-quo.  Yet Nicky here in this ostensibly free societies feels like it’s his duty to ‘queerly agitate’ as much as possible. 


“I work hard to stir up the status quo like a cocktail and I welcome their hatred with arms wide open and a kiss on each cheek.”

“It is soooooo difficult dealing with all this oppression in this free society…”

“But suppose there is just one word that I cannot fucking stand for even one withering second. In that case, it is the toxic title of “groomer” and this is the new pejorative of choice for those pious cunts in the so-called Christian Right as well as their limp dick Zionist flunkies in the GOP who they ride like a bumper car. According to current popular Republican lore, fierce queens like me are little more than mincing sexual predators, targeting their children so we can indoctrinate them into becoming unwitting participants in our perverted lifestyle.”

Ok groomer…  Sorry I had to.  One of queer theories stated goals is to destabilize children and youth – with the goal being to create more activists to stir up trouble in society.

It bears pointing out that so far we have heard that Drag Queen Story Hour exists to be generative for the following purposes: (1) to lead children to “livequeerly,” (2) to question sex and gender and their stability, (3) to break rules and want to break rules, (4) to see their usual teachers and school authority figures and potentially by extension their parents as boring by comparison to drag queens and “living queerly,” (5) to turn toward pleasure and desire, and (6) to let go of control, all in the presence of an adult man who thinks it is a good idea to dress and perform as a highly sexualized woman in the presence of children he hopes to influence. As we will see, we can add to this list (7) tempting them into “alternative modes of kinship” in the sense of the “queer ‘family’” one leaves their real family for and chooses “on the street.” (Calling this program “grooming,” it must be warned, will get you unceremoniously kicked off the largest social media platforms, by the way.)

At this point, it is legitimately a question as to why any adult would possibly consider Drag Queen Story Hour a good idea. DQSH surmounts this obvious challenge by selling itself deliberately as what it is not, both a necessary tool for increasing “LGBT empathy” and “family friendly.” Both of these designations are deliberate misdirections by the purveyors of Drag Queen Story Hour, who want to use it as a generative tool to lead (but not groom) young children into “queer culture” and “alternate modes of kinship” and desire.”

“It’s an insane and downright evil conspiracy theory that triggers the high holy hell out of me like a shotgun because it couldn’t be farther from reality if were scribed by Roald Dahl.”

Yeah, just calling it a ‘conspiracy theory’ while the academic literature explicitly states what the purpose of drag queen story hour is just doesn’t cut it in forums that value factual information (ouch Counter-punch, do better!). 

“I spent over a decade of my childhood being groomed and violated by legitimate sexual predators in a tiny country Catholic school in more ways than I can count, and I was targeted specifically because of my disharmony with the gender identity written on my birth certificate. I have jagged fractured memories of faceless adults putting their hands on my naked body in anger and being too terrified to say ‘no’ because I honestly believed that they wouldn’t let me go home if I did. I was four years old, and these traumatic flashbacks are the only memories I have from my childhood in which it was painfully clear that I was a little girl that just happened to have a penis and they hurt. Those papist cunts got exactly what they wanted. I spent the rest of my childhood numb from the neck down and when puberty finally awakened a storm of rage in my soul, I got called a monster, and I believed them, because I was groomed to believe them.”

No child should be predated on by anyone. 

   Sexual trauma/abuse shares significant comorbidity with gender dysphoria.  Psychotherapy and counseling are highly recommened in these cases.  Until recently we correctly identified psychological trauma responses and treated them accordingly – now the preferred course of action is to ‘believe’ people and children when they self-diagnose and affirm whichever gender delusion they happen to hold.  The lawsuits are coming, therapists and pediatric professionals need to get their house in order and return to evidence based, as opposed to ideologically based, practices. 

   Back to ‘Nicky’ –  no, you never were, and never will be a girl or woman, human beings can’t change sex.  Sorry my dude, your feelings cannot change the facts of the matter.

“I wish I could say that I was alone. This is the one time when I honestly do. And I wish that I could say that it’s just the Catholic schools too, but it’s not. Queer kids are groomed daily by an overwhelmingly cis-hetero adult establishment to believe that they are weird and broken and abnormal and have no say whatsoever on how their bodies are defined or who gets to define them. But this is even bigger than Queer kids too. Our entire compulsory school system is a device designed with the intent to groom all wild children into domesticated citizens.”

  Along with the irrational hatred of the freedom status-quo “Nicky” illustrates another activist Left trope.  Essentially a tu-quoque fallacy.  The claim is that “grooming” is already happening in society, but with the values and attitudes that Nicky doesn’t agree with (caring, nurturing parenting, setting boundaries and limits, becoming a productive member of society et cetera).  Growing up “normal” isn’t grooming but rather adopting the norms that generally give one the best chance for success/happiness in society. 

[…] Skipping historical inaccurate palavers on educational history…(or I don’t want to go that far into crazytown)

“The product I’m talking about is obedient subservient children who are socialized to believe that they have no rights, only privileges granted to them by benevolent adult authority figures in exchange for staying in line and following the rules. There is a word for this, another terrible slur, and it’s called ‘victim.’”

Teaching children about their rights and responsibilities in society is a part of most Western curricula.  If ‘Nicky’ has a better way in public schools to teach large cohorts of children – aka respecting rules and behavioural expectations – he should share it with the world and start a real revolution.

  “Children in this country and in most other modern nation states around the world aren’t easy marks for abuse because they’re stupid or innocent. They are fodder for pedophiles because petty authoritarians have coached them into believing that their own bodies don’t even belong to them, and the sickest thing is that they’re right.”

Children, don’t do well when there is a lack of boundaries and lack of clarity on the roles people play in their lives.  Dipshit seems to think that we should go full Peter Pan mode, because really, your child in Grade 2 knows what is best for themselves.

“In modern western society, children have all the rights and dignity of farm animals.”

If the activist Left didn’t have hyperbole, would they even be able to speak?

“They can’t vote. They can’t work. They can’t leave the house unattended. They can’t even empty their bladder without a stamped document from an adult and these Jesus creeps have the nerve to bitch about “parent’s rights?”

  Because a functional democracy works when children have voting privileges…  The disconnect between any sort of reasonable view of the world and this loonery can be measured in parsecs.

“In a country bereft of youth rights, parent’s rights amount to little more than property rights and I’m sick of tiptoeing around the subject matter of abolition just because I’m a faggot”

No, you’re just saying really stupid things, your cherished identity means fuck all to people with more than two neurons to rub together.

“I’m an abolitionist because I’m a fucking faggot and the only thing that I’m grooming your kids to do is fight back.”

So, driving a wedge between children and their parents in order to instill your ideology *ISN’T* grooming?

Ok, groomer.

“The statistics have shown us repeatedly that Queer children are far more likely to be targeted for abuse than their straight counterparts.”

It might be nice to back up what you say with actual citations and statistics.  I mean, you’d probably use the shitty self-reported ones, but you could of said at least you tried to be rigorous.

“These same statistics have also shown us that their victimizers are overwhelmingly heterosexual men. That’s because child sexual abuse has very little to do with sexual orientation and everything to do with power.”

The statistics show that the people who inhabit the class of being Male are the most frequent perpetrators of violence, sexual or otherwise.  That includes men who happen to think they are women.

“This next sentence will probably put me at the top of every parental rights group’s hit list but fuck them, somebody needs to say it.”

Narcissism also occurs frequently with males who ‘identify’ as women (*shocking*).  Nicky seems to be no exception.  I can assure Nicky that Parental Rights groups don’t have time or the will to be concerned about the rantings of one dude copy pasting their blog rants onto Counter-punch.

“According to the bullshit order that American puritanism has established, all kids are Queer because all kids are questioning. None of them have figured out who or what they are yet and the last thing that they need is for some role crazy adult to tell them who or what they should be.”

Most children, if given a stable nurturing environment grow up to be normal.  Normal with a range of sensibilities and views that would place them in the class, as Nicky states, “vanilla normie breeders”.  It’s hard see why respect isn’t being returned while Nicky charitably describes other classes of people in society.

“Queer people need to re-dedicate themselves completely to the fight for youth rights, but we also need to abandon the public school system as a tool for doing this.”

This would be a great solution for both sides.  Getting drag queens and the overt queer politicization of children out of schools is precisely what parental rights groups and those who value safeguarding are campaigning for.  Go Nicky!  

“The only thing the parental rights Nazis get right is that the state shouldn’t be parenting their kids. Their community should. But that can’t happen until children have been restored as equal participants in their own communities.”

  I was worried for second there as well folks, as Nicky was threatening to make sense, but here we are back to ‘everyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi’ a foundational thought terminating Left activist trope.  Of course, advocating for children to be equal participants in ‘their own communities’ elevates you to the vaunted post as Mayor of Dumbfuckistan for not understanding the cognitive and social capacities of children.  May I suggest reading Lord of the Flies by William Golding as a work of fiction that offers some rather keenly on the nose insights into the communities children build.

“The compulsory school system was designed for the opposite purpose. It was designed to segregate children from their communities until they could be properly groomed into abandoning them in favor of the cold bureaucracy of wage slavery. This system must be destroyed.”

The school system was designed to educate, along with their parents’ guidance, children on the basics of how to function as an adult in our society.  Of course you want it destroyed, and replaced with what? 

“Queer people and our allies need to dismantle the entire adult managerial state as defined by the incestuous marriage of big religion, big business and big government and we must replace it with something that empowers young people to define themselves however they damn well please.”

Oh…  Yes, because a completely unstructured and free environment works so well for children.  I think Nicky has had the conch shell long enough.  If he is the example of ‘people defining themselves’ as they please then we must move in the exact opposite direction.  Hyperbolic screeds and fact free anecdotal musings are not something a (successful) society can be built on.

“We can do this with completely voluntary free schools held in public spaces with no predetermined syllabus and no prescriptive curriculum. “

Oh…  Of course, because educational standards and expectations are for chumps (and evidently successful societies).  Who would want to base a educational system on a set curricula that would allow people to work and thrive (and understand their world) – heck – even contribute to making society better. 

  Oh, little Johnny didn’t learn about division in the Mayfair Common public area – oops.  But then again, the activist Left doesn’t actually care about education, just the production of more wild eyed activists – you don’t need mathematical competence to criticize the oppressive power structures of society.

“We can do this by embracing children as equal participants in their communities with the right to work and the right to quit.

Or setting up children of absolute failure in society because you are feeding them vague shitty rhetoric instead of teaching them how to function in a stable society.  This section of Nicky’s work is making my brain hurt, it just gets more and more unhinged.

“We can do this by telling them our stories even when the words burn in on our lips. But we can only do this when we stop preaching and start teaching and the first thing that we must teach them is that they always have the right to say ‘no,’ to their parents, to their teachers, to their priests and to their government.”

Your whingy screed has exactly fuck-all to do with education and child rearing.  It seems like you must be identifying as a two year old presently because you have the expectations that people should care about your tantrums.  People who can think, do not.

   “Their bodies are their property and the only thing that anyone who puts their hands on them has a right to is a face load of buckshot.”

  Ah yes, because children with out boundaries and expectations most certainly grow up well adjusted and ready to thrive in society (see ‘free range’ children and the associated parenting style”).  Children are under parental care until they are eighteen precisely because they are not socially or cognitively ready to make the complex life decisions that are a necessary part of being an adult.

“You fucking groomers can call me whatever the fuck you want but I will die fighting for the right for your offspring to be counted as individuals with value.”

I seriously doubt that.  Narcissism doesn’t really ‘do’ self-sacrifice.”

“If you want to groom these kids, then you’re going to have to get through this genderfuck tranny faggot to do it and I’m not afraid to bite anymore. You really should have killed that little girl. Instead, you just pissed her off.”

Parents will raise their children as they see fit.  Bad parents and bad parenting are an unfortunate part of our society and we as a society should try and help families in trouble and conflict with as many resources as we can.  What won’t help things get better is taking anything a “genderfuck tranny faggot” has to say about education, raising children, and parental rights/responsibilities seriously.

There was no little girl.  You conjured her up from your fevered consciousness to fit your vainglorious narrative of oppression.  Seek help, it is evident you are in dire need of it.