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The truth of the matter is that children are not sexual beings, they are not equipped to deal with their own sex never-mind the boggling kaleidoscope of ‘gender identities’ that we are presented with in society these days. Let’s give them time to mature and when age appropriate let the family grapple with the inevitable questions about sex and sexuality.

What shouldn’t be done is the current modus operendi of what is known as the Trevor Project.

“Genspect, an organization which includes therapists, psychologists, researchers, and experts in this field, consistently point out that kids who are being transitioned often exhibit similar patterns of behavior and are victims of a social contagion. The website overwhelmingly consists of this exact demographic of kids. Although some of the theories about the teenage transgender epidemic have been heavily criticized, Trevorspace is basically the social contagion theory come to life. It is full of posts about how these girls are lonely, have little social support, low self-esteem, issues with body image, and have difficulty socializing with others. The two most alarming themes that we observed were that a lot of these kids are autistic and most of them express that they are same-sex attracted. It has been noted that a large percentage of children who are transitioning are autistic or same-sex attracted. They are being targeted. And the people doing the targeting are adults.

“Courage Is A Habit,” a parental rights group and friend of GAG, have pointed out that this new wave of child transsexualism can be attributed to a direct pipeline “from the classroom to the operating room.” They learn about various sexual identities as part of their school curriculum and even given surveys which directly ask them what their sexual identity is, pressuring them to pick an option. They are told that if they are confused or unsure about their identity, there are resources to help them, often listing The Trevor Project. Planned Parenthood, the largest distributor of hormones to kids, also recommends this website to kids who are at an age where people first start figuring this stuff out for themselves. The reality is that some kids mature faster than others. Therefore, some of the kids using this service who have not yet reached that point. Children are being pressured at school to pick an identity. It was not surprising that a large portion of their posts are about asexuality and asking for guidance about how to find their place on the “asexual spectrum.” Since they are being forced to choose a sexual identity label at school everyday, as young as kindergarten, when they are too young to even conceptualize such a concept, then they are going to choose labels on the “asexual spectrum” because kids are not sexual beings. This is not a controversial opinion – it is the difference between right and wrong.”

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