You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 29, 2013.

US Company Produces Pork-Laced BulletsMy cynical atheist soul just went a few shades darker because of this.

“The advertising pitch says it all: “Put some Ham in MoHAMed.”

Jihawg Ammunition, based in Dalton Gardens, Idaho, has recently begun selling bullets laced with a pork coating, promising “patriot” gun owners that the bullets “will strike fear into the hearts of those bent upon hate, violence and murder.”

Consumption of pork is forbidden in Islam. The idea behind the bullets is that a Muslim hit by them would be desecrated and unable to go to heaven.”

*singing along with Bon Jovi * “Shot with a pork bullet and who’s to blame, you give humans a bad name.

*clears throat* – Enjoy the 80’s hair rock-out, its the happiest part of this post.

Welcome to the world in 2013.  In our supposedly advanced state of civilization we have the merchants of death selling ammunition that have been coated with pork(!).  The selling point being that this is Anti-Muslim ammunition, and as we well know, Muslims are known for their terrorism and hatred of bacon.  Thus, even if we just wound terrorists with our bacon bullets we’re fucking him/her over because then they can’t go to heaven because they have been contaminated by the evilz pork.

Checkmate, my Muslim terrorist friends.  Check-frakking-mate.

Sweet merciful spaghetti-monster, why does the bat-shite crazy come so densely backed on a Saturday morning?  I’m not even fully awake.  Trying to wade through how insipid this story and make sense of the awful is like trying to spread butter on your toast with the buttocks of a cat, a no-win situation for all involved.  Never the less, we shall forge ahead through the thick chaparral of inanity as best we can.

Contrary to what the US news media likes to write, Muslims as a rule, are not terrorists and do not deserve the terrorist label in the first place.  When we pejoratively label another human being we begin the process of making them less human and thus, to our primitive minds easier to irrationally hate.  Dehumanizing people invariably leads to tragedy: see any war/genocide.   And yet, we have in this shining example of xenophobia exactly the case I’m arguing against.

Putting some Ham in Mohammad – as if a bullet laced with pork will make you any more dead.  Feh!

Only from a society that is full to the bursting point with nonsensical religious thought can Anti-Muslim pork bullets become an reality.  These bullets exist because the fairy tale notion of heaven is so firmly implanted in the psyche of much of the United States.  Ruining heaven for your enemies doesn’t win any extra points (well maybe ones rewarded for delusional behaviour), it only antagonizes them further making the pursuit of peaceable relations that much more difficult.  Peace time pork bullets don’t sell very well either, so lets not count on our ‘defense industries’ to help this sad state of affairs.

The terrible worm of religion is cackling with glee when in promulgates ignorant fearful bullshite like pork bullets.

We must remember, Bacon is our friend and must never be used in anger.


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