What are the arguments against supporting female sex-based rights that do not involve insults, shaming, and hyperbolic claims?  How are any of these points unreasonable?

I think that most would agree with all of the below, yet expressing this opinion (one rooted in biological fact and material reality) in public can be dangerous for people because of the militancy and pernicious nature of transactivists.  I have yet to have a discussion in which I can make an argument against because there is an almost absolute vacuum of anything that resembles a debatable position.

A couple examples of common assertions made in gender debates:

Assertion #1 – Trans women are part of highly discriminated against cohort…  they face violence in society.

Retort – Adult human females are abused and killed on a scale world wide.  Efforts to change that have been ongoing and at a glacial pace, since forever.  The violence gender non-conforming males experience can be directly traced back to the epidemic of male violence in society.  Why not get men to stop with the violent enforcement of patriarchal norms rather than subsuming hard fought for female sex based rights?


Assertion #2 – Trans women are women.

Retort – There is no evidence that human beings can change sex, nor is anyone ‘born in the wrong body’.   Therefore, transwomen will always be male; and this is the only logical conclusion one can draw if facts are important to your reasoning.




Calling the defence of female rights, boundaries, and safety ‘bigoted’ has no reasonable basis in a fact based discussion.