“One woman died and two others were injured in a violent attack at a Toronto massage parlour in February. A 17-year-old male, who is too young to be identified under Canadian law, was charged with first-degree murder and attempted murder.

Police added the terrorism charge on Tuesday, three months after the attack, after finding what they say is evidence that he had ties to the incel or “involuntary celibate” movement, whose members believe women owe men sex and are to blame for male sexual frustration. “

Yep, you read that right.  That loser of a dude was under the notion that somehow women (sexy,hot women) owed him sexual pleasure and gratification.

Just how far up one’s ass does one need to be to think that anyone owes you anything in the world?  And yet, this incel movement is a real facet of society.

Check this shit out from incel.co a forum for the wankers (hyperlink through donotlink):

Sex is clearly a vital part of every humans existence, a man doesn’t even “become a man” in a sense within society until he has sex, in essence a lot of men have not undergone their “right of passage” to become part of the “tribe” that is modern human civilization.

This is why all of these mass shootings are taking place, its started to branch off into other things like the “Thot Audit”, more and more things like this are going to keep happening until society finally acknowledges this problem and begins to make changes.

So as it stands we now have a significant and growing pool of sexually starved men, who due to this are angry, violent, irritable and suicidal, seriously how does society expect this to play out, the most dangerous animal is the one backed into a corner with nothing to lose, when someone doesn’t care if they die, worse yet they want to die just so their sad existence can end, there is no reasoning with that person, they are on a “war path”, you either kill them, give that person what they want, or you get out of their way as they proceed to claim what they want.

Society expects us not to burn the village down when it won’t initiate us into the tribe, that’s whats truly outrageous, not the violence of disenfranchised men, but the fact that society actually expects us to just remain docile and accept this reality that has been forced upon us.”

Yeah.  Witness the real creme of human civilization…