This webpage from the Official Canadian Department of Justice is incomplete because of this:


Where the hell is the definition for men?  Did our esteemed Canadian Legal Justice of Department make a little oopsy-boo boo?  Probably not.  You know why?  Because the category of men is fucking indisputable, men will not tolerate having their category “expanded to be more inclusive” because ‘as it known’ men are fully fucking human and distinct category within society.  Those females though, they get a whole new meaning that erases them from society it can be found later in this gem of a webpage. I quote:

“Women: All people who identify as women, whether they are cisgender or transgender women.”

A kindly reminder double XX’ers that you malleable and erasable in society,  -because ‘gender-feelings’ – males can claim they are women and should be treated as female, and have access to female only spaces, services, and sports.


I’ll be identifying as rightfully pissed off until this gender nonsense is debunked, repealed, and removed from official Canadian Government Websites.


I say erroneous because it includes bullshit like this:

Cisgender: People whose gender identity matches the sex that they were assigned at birth.”

No person ‘identifies’ with the toxic set of stereotypes that society attempts to shoehorn them into.  Especially true for women, as identifying as second class citizen (work for less, second shift, objectification FTW!!!), just isn’t fucking appealing. 

Gender-diverse: Refer to individuals who do not identify as exclusively male or exclusively female (for example, individuals who are non-binary or two-spirit).

People have personalities.  You are either male or female, with a personality. 

Gender identity: A person’s internal and deeply felt sense of being a man or woman, both or neither. A person’s gender identity may or may not align with the gender typically associated with their sex.

What kind of fucking bullshit is this.  We do not have souls, gendered or otherwise.  What – exactly – does feeling like a woman (or man) entail?  Can you describe the experience without using stereotypes?

Non-binary: Person whose gender identity does not align with a binary understanding of gender such as man or woman. A non-binary person may identify as neither a man nor a woman, both, or anywhere along the gender spectrum.

I feel the need to have my own special category that is essentially meaningless so I can feel good about myself for my supposed uniqueness… Get quickly into the Sea, narcissist. 

Sex assigned at birth: A person’s biological status as male, female, or intersex based on their primary sexual characteristics at birth.

Sex is observed at birth.  There is no assigning.  The doctor looks at your junk and on that can accurately observe what sex you are.  No assignment necessary. 

Women: All people who identify as women, whether they are cisgender or transgender women.

Goddammit Canada.  I’m going to identify as the fucking Queen and have the legal department hung by its thumb until some fucking sense trickles back into the department.  Women are adult human females.  End of fucking story you nitwits. 


Gender ideology is infesting our institutions.  It needs to be stopped before it goes any farther.