Arguing with certain people can be very frustrating as they seem to not want to engage with what is being said.  Instead, the use of hyperbole, insults, and emotionally charged language are meant to infuriate and obfuscate with the goal of winning the superficially wrought emotional battle (arguing versus agitating).  The Activist Left are engaging you with a Dialectical (See the third meaning) approach – they need you to strongly react so as to subsume your argument/position in order to advance the dialectic.  Deny them their secret weapon and here’s how.


Fuzzy on what Dialectic is and how it is used?  Find out here:

“In short, it’s the fusion of opposites in a way that understands them from a higher-level perspective, which is necessarily synthetic.”


“The allure of the Dialectical Trap (and why you can’t help yourself from engaging): (Thank you to the Classic_Liberal for the Twitter Thread)

If you want to be a Commie Disruptor, and I mean an effective one we have to break you from falling for Dialectical Traps while making you feel you are still being effective in combating the Woke.  So we’re going to have break this down a bit and look at the components.

As previously mentioned the Woke use inflammatory agitation tactics to draw you into their contrived inanity.

Before we break down this aspect you must understand that…

You are being used by the Woke
I mean like used in the humiliating sense. When you engage in inflammatory Woke inanity you are doing EXACTLY what they plan and want you to do.

Like lemmings off a bridge…Self Negation.

This usage of you should irritate and anger you, perhaps even more so than their stigmatization.  Back to Agitation.  This is simple:

Racist, Nazi, Fascist, Bigot, Anti-White, Anti-Christian, Nationalist, Christian Nationalist, White Nationalist, White Supremist, TERF, Transphobe, etcetera and etcetera.

Either you or they are being portrayed as these things right?  Something about these terms rile you up, right?

Letting the Left twist and distort language and words that should have good meaning into bad ones or stigmatize us with hacks you off, right?

They shouldn’t be able to do these things!!!  We shouldn’t let them do these things!!!


“You’re damn right in being completely justified in defending yourself and your family and your country against this inflammatory Woke inanity.”

Hmmm…I can’t blame anyone for this disposition, indeed sometimes I even fall for it.

I get it.

But you’re being used. Your justifiable obstinance to ideologically defend yourself is being used against you, to defeat you.

This tactic works on you because…

The Woke aren’t idealistic…they’re Operational.

They Operationally use your values and virtues against you.  They Operationally use your railing against their inanity to negate you and undermine your Liberty.

So you’ll often here me an others say “Don’t step into the Wizard’s Circle” or Political Warfare Traps.

Don’t engage their Dialectical Inanity.  We tell you to point out their real targets which is to undermine your Liberty and your Natural Rights, and normalcy, and your family, and your faith.

But the inflammatory stigmatization they impose on you is still there. Still inflammatory, sullying your way of life.
Furthermore while their inane beliefs aren’t real the effects of their inanity and prejudice against the “Oppressor” classes (white, male, woman, straight, Christian, normal) is VERY real.

It’s not very satisfying at all to let this stand! To let them do this to us! See no one here is saying do nothing. Indeed do MORE but don’t do it THEIR WAY.


Leftist Agitator: “All these MAGA people who are upholding White Nationalism are a threat to ‘our Democracy’!”
Now you’re reeeeally gonna want to call this Agitator “anti-white” or rail against the label of “White Nationalism”.

And I would tell you “Don’t do it!” “It’s a trap! It’s a Dialectical Wizard’s Circle! You will negate yourself and help pseudo-legitimize their inanity Avoid!”
Then what I would do is point out that what this Agitator is doing is well first Agitating to amplify engagement and second point out what the real target is.

Your Liberty.

How so?  Again going back to previous threads the intent of the Agitator is to optically make it >look< like there is a “right wing” problem.

Why?  So fence sitting, undecided Centrists (Left and Right) will be alarmed at “right wing attacks on Democracy” and vote in someone to “take care of this problem.”

So who exactly would take care of this problem?  Neo Communists.  Who have no compunction creating laws and policy to undermine your Liberty.

And all it took was for YOU to contribute by engaging in inflammatory Woke inanity.

But I do concede it’s not very…satisfying to only do this, only point out their end game.  Even when it’s probably the most effective thing to do.

So let’s try this.

When confronted with inflammatory Woke inanity, tell them.

“We reject and will not tolerate your prejudice against your Contrived ‘privileged classes’ it doesn’t matter how many of you believe in it.”

“We also reject and will not tolerate your attack on our Liberty, Family, Faith and way of Life which is what you really are trying to destroy in the name of ‘Progress’.”

“We also know that this an Agitation tactic”


See there, didn’t mention or amplify “White Nationalism” or “Anti-White” because it will be used against you, yet still addressed exactly the things they are attacking and more. Not just the local prejudice but the Woke’s ACTUAL Target.


Instead you rejected their Contrived prejudice, exposed their real target (Liberty), exposed their tactic (Agitation), and exposed their fake pseudo-real nonsense for what it is, illegitimate. And minimizing your own negation and the erosion of American Liberty in the process.
I know it’s hard. But it CAN be done with satisfying justification.

HIT them where it counts.


Do MORE of it!!

DON’T get used

DON’T get Negated


DISRUPT their Operations

FIGHT for Liberty

Final Note: I need to make a CLEAR distinction here

While Woke ideological framework and inanity is not Objectively Real.

Their impact on society is VERY VERY Real and must be unequivocally rejected and fought against

Make sure you tell our anti-woke compatriots you know this.”