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The UK is leading the way in rolling back the bullshit that is gender ideology. 

“A woman who worked at a rape crisis centre was unfairly constructively dismissed for believing that those using the service should be able to know the sex of staff, a tribunal has found.

It also found that Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre had unlawfully discriminated against Roz Adams, saying that management had conducted a “heresy hunt” against her.”

That thing that the “be kind” people say never happens happened here.

The ruling said the decision to launch a disciplinary process against Ms Adams was because the centre’s management wanted to make an example of her because of her gender critical beliefs.

Ms Adams said the ruling had made “three years of struggle worthwhile”.

JFC – A three year struggle not to fire for telling the truth.

“She told BBC News: “For me it was dystopian, it was the strangest experience. I’ve never come across any other topic where to ask to talk about it and ask to find solutions that work for everybody is seen as hateful.”

Ms Adams said she thought there was a large number of people working in the sector who are “fearful” of talking about gender identity and the privacy of staff.

“People don’t want to go through what I’ve been through understandably so they won’t speak up,” she said.”

Social coercion at its finest.

“The tribunal ruling noted that Ms Adams’ view was that people using the centre should have a choice over who they receive support from on the basis of sex, and that sex is binary and “everyone is either male or female at that level”.

It added: “Her belief was that whilst in most circumstances the distinction between biological sex and gender identity did not matter that in a service dealing with sexual violence the respondent should be honest and clear when asked to give a clear and unambiguous answer in order to provide that service users give informed consent.”

Ms Adams said she became aware that people who wrote to the centre about the subject were “classed as bigots” and emails from them were kept in a folder called “hate emails”.

Disagreement isn’t hate.  What a concept.

“It said that Ms Wadhwa was “the invisible hand behind everything that had taken place.”

It also said that it was “nonsense” to suggest any emails sent by Ms Adams were transphobic and it was “absolutely clear” that a staff member changing their name to one that sounded male was “going to cause difficulties.”

The judge said the disciplinary process used against Ms Adams was “reminiscent of the work of Franz Kafka” – the 20th Century writer whose works were often characterised by nightmarish and confusing situations.

The tribunal found that Ms Adams resigned as she “could have absolutely no confidence going forward that the respondents would comply with their obligation of trust and confidence towards her.”

Ms Adams has since gone on to work for Beira’s Place – a women-only support service for victims of sexual violence, partly funded by JK Rowling.”

Trans ideology in a nutshell – A Kafkaesque nightmare.

Taken the “L” for team Trans.



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