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Posts like these are periodic reminder to my male readership that the way society treats you, and the way you expect to be treated isn’t the gold standard.  If you happen to be a double XX’er then, mysteriously (not so mysteriously if you happen to be a radical feminist) the rules and expectations that apply to you are quite different.

Female readers will know exactly where this article is going from the headline alone.   Dudes, strap in, fire up your extra brain packs, and read for comprehension.

Do you/can you see the high octane male-bullshit going on the above passage?  Let’s start off with this:


“My (now ex) husband would take serious offense [when his overtures for sexy times where rejected] even though I told him constantly it wasn’t him”

Women are people they are complete, distinct, autonomous human beings.  Women do not owe anything to anyone, ever.

    “I started waking up at night to him touching me, trying to have sex with me in my sleep.  I told him the first time it happened that it was NOT something I’m ok with, and he needed to stop.  He didn’t.”

The first thing, my dudes, you should be thinking about is how rapey as fuck the husband’s behaviour is.  Sleeping people cannot consent to being touched.  If you respect someone’s basic human rights, you don’t touch them without permission.  Not stopping when asked to stop is already fully in the territory of rape.

” After talking to my friends about it, seeking help or advice, I felt like I had no choice but to allow it to happen. They all told me that he probably had a hard day at work and he wants some love, or they even judged me for not having sex with my own husband. I felt stuck.”

The second thing, my dudes, is right in front of you, you exist in it, breathe it, swim in it.


What just happened here?  A woman was sexual assaulted by her husband, as he disregarded her humanity and continued to do what he wanted.  After, being assaulted, the woman goes to her friends for support and gets shut down (read her basic humanity denied {as in, I get to define who touches me or not}) and told that something is wrong with her and she should really consider his feelings on the matter.

If you are about to say, but they are married, back the fuck up.  Answer this first and tell me what part of being married abrogates a woman’s basic human rights?  You can do what you’d like with property, but if you happen to be putting your wife in the realm of ‘your property’ your basic assumptions about women are seriously flawed – because people are not (should not be)property, ever.

    “I woke up to him touching me and I told him I’d press charges if he did it again and he stalked off, saying “wow. I can’t even touch my own wife.”

This is not uncommon.  Just think about the level of male entitlement – when one human being thinks they should have unfettered access to another human being’s body.  This isn’t 1850, this isn’t the 1950’s, this story is dated 09/21/2017. 

Fix your shit dudes.  It’s been too long already.






Joseph Haydn’s Concerto per il Clarino, (Hob.: VIIe/1) (Trumpet Concerto in E flat major) was written in 1796 for his long-time friend Anton Weidinger. Joseph Haydn was 64 years of age.

  William Astore writing for Tom’s Dispatch.   


      “I first came across the phrase “using a sledgehammer to kill gnats” while looking at the history of U.S. airpower during the Vietnam War.  B-52 “Arc Light” raids dropped record tons of bombs on parts of South Vietnam and Laos in largely failed efforts to kill dispersed guerrillas and interdict supply routes from North Vietnam.  Half a century later, with its laser- and GPS-guided bombs, the Air Force regularly touts the far greater precision of American airpower.  Yet in one country after another, using just that weaponry, the U.S. has engaged in serial acts of overkill.  In Afghanistan, it was the recent use of MOAB, the “mother of all bombs,” the largest non-nuclear weapon the U.S. has ever used in combat, against a small concentration of ISIS fighters.  In similar fashion, the U.S. air war in Syria has outpaced the Russians and even the Assad regime in its murderous effects on civilians, especially around Raqqa, the “capital” of the Islamic State.  Such overkill is evident on the ground as well where special ops raids have, this year, left civilians dead from Yemen to Somalia.  In other words, across the Greater Middle East, Washington’s profligate killing machine is also creating a desire for vengeance among civilian populations, staggering numbers of whom, when not killed, have been displaced or sent fleeing across borders as refugees in these wars. It has played a significant role in unsettling whole regions, creating failed states, and providing yet more recruits for terror groups.

     Leaving aside technological advances, little has changed since Vietnam. The U.S. military is still relying on enormous firepower to kill elusive enemies as a way of limiting (American) casualties.  As an instrument of victory, it didn’t work in Vietnam, nor has it worked in Iraq or Afghanistan.

     But never mind the history lessons.  President Trump asserts that his “new” Afghan strategy — the details of which, according to a military spokesman, are “not there yet” — will lead to more terrorists (that is, gnats) being killed.

     Since 9/11, America’s leaders, Trump included, have rarely sought ways to avoid those gnats, while efforts to “drain the swamp” in which the gnats thrive have served mainly to enlarge their breeding grounds.  At the same time, efforts to enlist indigenous “gnats” — local proxy armies — to take over the fight have gone poorly indeed.  As in Vietnam, the main U.S. focus has invariably been on developing better, more technologically advanced (which means more expensive) sledgehammers, while continuing to whale away at that cloud of gnats — a process as hopeless as it is counterproductive.”

One can imagine the US military as a toxic convoluted ouroboros.  This particular snake creates its own problems and then has to fix them by creating more problems and then has to fix them…

But hey, as long as the right people are making profits its all sunshine and rainbows.  Right?  :/


The last two paragraphs from Meghan Murphy writing on the Feminist Current.


“The fact that the vast majority of those connecting the word “TERF” to threats of violence, death, and genocide are men is notable. The word has been offered up to those who identify as leftists, who have been, on some level, prevented from making misogynistic statements publicly or otherwise advocating violence against women. Their “progressive” credentials meant that they had to maintain a facade of political correctness. But because women labelled “TERF” have been compared to Nazis and bigots, and because trans activism claims to be allied with the interests of the marginalized (despite its overt anti-feminism and individualist ideology), these leftist men have a socially acceptable excuse. Indeed, they seem to revel in it. It’s as if they were given the green light to scream “bitch” (or perhaps “witch” would be more accurate, considering the targeting of specific unruly women to “punch”… or burn…) over and over again, cheered on by their comrades.

If “TERF” were a term that conveyed something purposeful, accurate, or useful, beyond simply smearing, silencing, insulting, discriminating against, or inciting violence, it could perhaps be considered neutral or harmless. But because the term itself is politically dishonest and misrepresentative, and because its intent is to vilify, disparage, and intimidate, as well as to incite and justify violence against women, it is dangerous and indeed qualifies as a form of hate speech. While women have tried to point out that this would be the end result of “TERF” before, they were, as usual, dismissed. We now have undeniable proof that painting women with this brush leads to real, physical violence. If you didn’t believe us before, you now have no excuse.”


Yep.  Same script folks – slapping down the uppity women – who dare oppose having the boundaries of their lives dictated by males.   Male violence is the scourge of our society, how many canaries are necessary before we fix this problem?


“In my own case, I had to train myself out of that phony smile, which is like a nervous tic on every teenage girl. And this meant that I smiled rarely, for in truth, when it came down to real smiling, I had less to smile about. My ‘dream’ action for the women’s liberation movement: a smile boycott, at which declaration all women would instantly abandon their ‘pleasing’ smiles, henceforth smiling only when something pleased them.”
-Shulamith Firestone, The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution

The faster the world adopts the Nordic Model, the better it will be for women.

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September 2017


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Kaine's Korner

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Connect ALL the Dots

Solve ALL the Problems


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Women Are Human

Independent source for the top stories in worldwide gender identity news

Widdershins Worlds


aunt polly's rants

A fine site


herstory. poetry. recipes. rants.

Paul S. Graham

Communications, politics, peace and justice

Debbie Hayton

Transgender Teacher and Journalist


Conceptual spaces: politics, philosophy, art, literature, religion, cultural history

Our Better Natures

Loving, Growing, Being


A topnotch site

I Won't Take It

Life After an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Unpolished XX

No product, no face paint. I am enough.

Volunteer petunia

Observations and analysis on survival, love and struggle


the feminist exhibition space at the university of alberta

Raising Orlando

About gender, identity, parenting and containing multitudes

The Feminist Kitanu

Spreading the dangerous disease of radical feminism

Not Afraid Of Virginia Woolf

Double Plus Good

The Evolution Will Not BeTelevised

la scapigliata

writer, doctor, wearer of many hats

Teach The Change

Teaching Artist/ Progressive Educator

Female Personhood

Identifying as female since the dawn of time.

Not The News in Briefs

A blog by Helen Saxby


A blog in support of Helen Steel

Where media credibility has been reborn.


Memoirs of a Butch Lesbian


Radical Feminism Discourse

a sledge and crowbar

deconstructing identity and culture

The Radical Pen

Fighting For Female Liberation from Patriarchy


Politics, things that make you think, and recreational breaks

Easilyriled's Blog

cranky. joyful. radical. funny. feminist.

Nordic Model Now!

Movement for the Abolition of Prostitution

The WordPress C(h)ronicle

These are the best links shared by people working with WordPress


Gender is the Problem, Not the Solution


Peak Trans and other feminist topics

There Are So Many Things Wrong With This

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Gentle Curiosity

Musing over important things. More questions than answers.