Who doesn’t support rights for everyone? I most certainly do.

But what happens behind the sloganeering? Gender ideology and transactivism suffer from intentional definitional opacity because with scrutiny it can be observed that their tenets are neither logical or even coherent. For example –

This is only tip of the iceberg stuff. :/

Deception is key to much of the fringe gender/trans-activist platform. Certainly no lawful person should be deprived of their rights, but when the conception of rights goes on to infringe on the rights and boundaries of others, then it is most certainly a problem.

Unfortunately, the real thrust of these activists is only now being discovered by wider society. Many people are still think that this is a somehow a courageous operation akin to the Gay Rights movement.

It isn’t.

Gender ideologues will ruthlessly co-opt and parasitize any movement to forward it’s anti-female agenda. See liberal feminism, BLM, and Antifa.

So, the challenge when you hear the term ‘trans-rghts’ is this – which rights currently do they not possess, and which rights are they actually campaigning for. If the results look like what Ms.Harris is describing, you should seriously consider withholding your support for what is most decidedly an infringement of female rights and boundaries.