Ah, violent males expressing how violent they wish to be toward women who oppose their gender-magic.  The previous link is to the abstract and transcript.  This from the department of Gender Studies at the London School of Economics.  Did you need an example of how far the Humanities in academia has fallen?  Take a gander.




“Let us harness this parasitic imaginary and suck the cis out of feminism. Let us be the endemic. Let us exist as the evil twin to queer theory, and let us 14 bleed it dry for all it can offer us. Chu is wrong: trans* is more than ancillary notion to queer. But do we have to depart from queer entirely? Is trans* even 15 fucking here yet?16 If TERFs think trans* is an endemic threat to feminism, let us be the threat to feminism. We are the endemic, the viral, the toxic onslaught of ideology that attacks the very core of what you hold dear. We go unnoticed, right up until the moment they scream for mercy. Am I a threat to you? Do I send chills down your spine?”

Picture this: I hold a knife to your throat and spit my transness into your ear. Does that turn you on? Are you scared? I sure fucking hope so.



   Go to sexmatters.org for the full story on what this crank has been saying.