What the fuck is going on in Ontario education?  Where are the professional standards and common sense?

How is this even a thing?

Score one for the kids on this one, they can tell that something abnormal is going on here.  This is deviant behaviour has no fucking place in a school.  Where is the Administration on this one?


The Admin are standing behind the teacher who thinks its okay to be around students presenting like that.  All it takes, apparently, to do perverse shit in the Ontario Public school system is to declare they are transgender and no rules apply to you anymore.  Do you think that for one second a real woman, in similar attire, would be allowed to teach class?


Send them email and ask how exactly is a man parading around in hypersexualized womanface/body is good for the education of children.

This tearing down of normalcy and the values of the majority of Canadians hold must stop.  Pandering to mental illness and abdicating child safety in the name of what exactly?  Inclusivity?

Newsflash – Some behaviours/lifestyle choices should *NOT* be included in public education milieu.