Unsurprisingly the CBC seems to be completely on board with uncritical reporting of Drag Queen story hour and how men in woman-face wearing sexualized clothing and make up interact with children.

One truth about male child sex predators is this – They always go to where their prey is.  Whether it be a Priest or Drag Queen the need for child safeguarding remains the same, maybe more so the case of DQ’s because no established accountability structure exists.

But let’s go through the CBC story, line by line to see exactly what’s going on over there in CBC land.

   “Drag is everywhere — and it has never been more popular.”

According to whom, exactly?  Seems very much like a personal opinion as opposed to anything resembling fact. 

“Across the country, performers are bringing their art to events like drag brunches, drag story time at libraries, and shows at local gay bars. But with this increased visibility and popularity has come backlash, in the form of hate.”

If we’re just throwing opinion around here which obviously the hosts of CBC Now or Never are, here is one.  Most adults don’t know or care about the increased frequency of Drag Events.  What puts it on the radar for most adults is when children and youth are the target audience for a Drag Queen event. 

   Men in womanface are first and foremost adult entertainers and purveyors of adult entertainment.  They, if their motivations were transparent would have no justification for interacting with children in their ‘professional’ capacity.  Unless of course there were other reasons: (see the full text here)

“In just the past few months alone, drag events in Windsor, PEI, Nelson, Calgary, Guelph — and more — have been cancelled or rescheduled due to threats of violence. And in Tennessee, a law just passed that bans drag shows in public spaces.”

It would seem there is some contention in our society about the value of adult entertainers interacting with children.  It would be beneficial to have a lively public discussion about what exactly happens at DQSH and the concerns/questions for all those involved.

“Drag is happening in communities big and small, and it’s not going anywhere.”

Sound like a challenge.  Did you really want to encourage more acrimonious behaviour within Canadian society?  Keep poking the bear of mainstream Canadian opinion (i.e. continue fucking around in order find out).

One of things the LGBTQIA+ ‘community’ cannot abide by is debate or criticism of what they think should be part of normal society.  Tough beans, all contentious issues merit debate in a free and democratic society.



Groomer Schools 4: Drag Queen Story Hour