AAP announces they’ll do an evidence review

“The American Academy of Pediatricians (which also covers Canadian pediatricians) is starting to cave to pressure to evaluate their recommendations for gender-affirmation care. They announced this week that they would undertake a systematic review of evidence and update their guidance.

We see this as a ploy to buy some time as the AAP (hopefully) works out how they’re going to backpedal from the current policy they continue to promote. Three systematic evidence reviews have already been done in Europe and the Florida Medical Board has done a “review of reviews”. The findings from the AAP will not change. 

Canadian research expert, Dr Gordon Guyatt of McMaster University was quoted in the New York Times yesterday saying the A.A.P.’s report will most likely find low-quality evidence for pediatric gender care. “The policies of the Europeans are much more aligned with the evidence than are the Americans’,” he said.”

All I can say is : ‘About Damn Time!’.  Who would of thought that evidence based medicine should be based on evidence and proof of efficacy?