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Mozart’s Requiem is amazing.  This is a dramatization of one of the movements being composed.


Mozart’s Requiem is one of the most well-known musical compositions in the world, and Confutatis is a very good example of much of the musical technique that Mozart used that made him and many other musicians so successful. We are in 1791, and Mozart has been seriously ill for over a year. Since he believes he has been poisoned with Aqua Tofana (a very slow poison) and thus sensing his end, he decided to compose his own Requiem.

We are in trouble in society when our medical professional abandon their ethics and principles in favour of pseudo-scientific dogma.

Us LGB✂️ just wanted to live in a society where our sexuality wouldn’t be used against us and blend into society.

But the TQ+ brought the children into this crap, while force teaming and using the #LGB as shields.

And we have every right to be pissed off.


Cutting to the heart of the matter as usual, J.K. Rowling on single sex spaces.

Unfortunately male socialization and the violence that is inherent with it remains the problem.  This isn’t a plea to ‘sensitize’ men.  Nothing of the sort, males, in the process of their socialization need to be taught to respect the boundaries and rights of others.  They need to be taught to be cognizant that other people experience and act in the world differently than they do.

I am all for a rough and tumble socialization experience for both sexes, we need to seek environments for our children that encourage the adoption of anti-fragile attitudes and strategies.  Our lives are filled with challenges and hard tasks that require the habits physical and mental resiliency to be in place before reaching maturation.  We need to steer away from male and female socialization and more toward “good people” socialization – in which people are raised to be assertive, creative, and respectful of themselves and others.

“Good people” socialization is an end goal though, first we must deal with the sex stereotypes that harm both women and men – that is the first step.

This from X user America 2100.   This post describes the hollowing out of support for the rights and liberties that the LGB movement fought so hard to obtain.  Support for gay marriage in America is trending downward.

One of the major reasons for this decline is that the LGB movement has been parasitized by the TQ+ activists who are trying to destabilize society rather than integrate into it.  TQ+ activism requires a constant stream of people that are at odds with all the norms in society, who see the normative values as oppressive and structures that must be burnt to the ground.  In other words, a revolution, and in the new society that rises from the ashes with themselves at its centre.

These activists do not know history.  If they did they would see that every revolutionary vanguard is mercilessly destroyed once the society is burnt down and reforming.  The powers that be have no need for radical activists whose only goal is to destabilize society.  See what happened to the Red Guard after the revolution in China as proof of this assertion.

Support those who want to integrate into the current society – the one that guarantees personal liberty, freedom of thought and speech, and private property.  Fight to maintain our democratic principles and effect incremental positive change within the society.  Because the oppression that will be visited upon all of us by revolutionary regime will be magnitudes greater than what is being experienced now.  Count on it.


“🏳️‍🌈”Pride Month” begins tomorrow. But here’s what they won’t tell you: The LGBT movement is losing—badly.

Let’s look at some of the polls.

Just a few years ago, it seemed like the LGBT revolution had won, once and for all. By 2020, even a majority of Republicans supported gay marriage.

But the Left overplayed their hand. What began as a backlash to gender ideology and the indoctrination of kids is now turning Americans against the entire LGBT project, including gay marriage—something that would have been unthinkable just five years ago.

Rather than continuing to climb, American support for gay marriage has dropped 7 points in just one year (from 2022 to 2023).

Republican support for gay marriage dropped 15 points over the same period. In 2022, 56% of Republicans supported gay marriage. By 2023, that number had fallen to 41%—the lowest it’s been in a decade.

Even amongst Democrats, support for gay marriage dropped 6 points from 2022 to 2023. (Source: Gallup)

Among young people, too—the most liberal and LGBT-friendly demographic—support for gay marriage is going down, not up. From 2018 to 2024, support for gay marriage among 18-29 year olds dropped by 8 points.

That decline appears to be overwhelmingly driven by Generation Z. From 2021 to 2023, Gen Z’s support for gay marriage dropped by a full 11 points. (Source: PRRI)

This wasn’t supposed to happen. “History” was only supposed to move in one direction—and gay marriage was supposed to be a “settled issue.”

The majority of Americans still support gay marriage. But the trend lines should serve as a bright-red warning sign for the Left. If they’re losing ground on this issue, they’re in big, big trouble.”

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Progressive Bloggers


June 2024


Blogs I Follow

The DWR Community

Kaine's Korner

Religion. Politics. Life.

Connect ALL the Dots

Solve ALL the Problems


Art, health, civilizations, photography, nature, books, recipes, etc.

Women Are Human

Independent source for the top stories in worldwide gender identity news

Widdershins Worlds


aunt polly's rants

A fine site


herstory. poetry. recipes. rants.

Paul S. Graham

Communications, politics, peace and justice

Debbie Hayton

Transgender Teacher and Journalist


Conceptual spaces: politics, philosophy, art, literature, religion, cultural history

Our Better Natures

Loving, Growing, Being


A topnotch site

I Won't Take It

Life After an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Unpolished XX

No product, no face paint. I am enough.

Volunteer petunia

Observations and analysis on survival, love and struggle


the feminist exhibition space at the university of alberta

Raising Orlando

About gender, identity, parenting and containing multitudes

The Feminist Kitanu

Spreading the dangerous disease of radical feminism

Not Afraid Of Virginia Woolf

Double Plus Good

The Evolution Will Not BeTelevised

la scapigliata

writer, doctor, wearer of many hats

Teach The Change

Teaching Artist/ Progressive Educator

Female Personhood

Identifying as female since the dawn of time.

Not The News in Briefs

A blog by Helen Saxby


A blog in support of Helen Steel

Where media credibility has been reborn.


Memoirs of a Butch Lesbian


Radical Feminism Discourse

a sledge and crowbar

deconstructing identity and culture

The Radical Pen

Fighting For Female Liberation from Patriarchy


Politics, things that make you think, and recreational breaks

Easilyriled's Blog

cranky. joyful. radical. funny. feminist.

Nordic Model Now!

Movement for the Abolition of Prostitution

The WordPress C(h)ronicle

These are the best links shared by people working with WordPress


Gender is the Problem, Not the Solution


Peak Trans and other feminist topics

There Are So Many Things Wrong With This

if you don't like the news, make some of your own

Gentle Curiosity

Musing over important things. More questions than answers.