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Heartening.  :)

  This is the work on the ground that needs to be happening Canada wide.  The push-back against gender ideology does not happen by itself.  Stickers on lamposts are enough to trigger witchhunts here in Canada apparently.   This thread from twitter de

🧵For TRAs confused about women stickering

Just over a week ago, a terrible crime was committed in downtown Ottawa, when a group of women allegedly went around putting stickers on lampposts with messages such as:

woman = adult human female


Keep Prisons Single Sex

This prompted a local member of the trans community to do some detective work and name several Twitter accounts, my own included, as suspects. The blog post contains some wildly inaccurate misrepresentations of the gender critical movement./2

The best quote is this one:

“they’re trying to frame trans rights as being at odds with women’s rights”

There is no more perfect example that trans rights are “at odds with women’s rights” than saying that the dictionary definition of woman is a transphobic hate crime./3

If women cannot even define themselves without being accused of transphobia, that’s a clash of rights. If we cannot advocate for our society’s most vulnerable women to have female-only prisons and shelters without it being a transphobic hate crime, that’s a clash of rights./4
This conflict won’t be resolved by flinging wild accusations of transphobia at us. We don’t care anymore. You’ve overused it to the point that it’s now completely meaningless. I take it as a compliment. Just means I stand up for women and children and I’m not a deluded crackpot/5

And as for this:

“that’s what they want: for people like me to be scared. For people like me to “stay in our lane”, be out of sight, or better yet – not exist at all.”

We want nothing of the sort. We simply want to be able to define ourselves without being accused of hate./6

We want our voices to be heard. We resent being redefined as an insulting set of stereotypes, and having our right to female-only spaces taken away from us without even being consulted. We resent having to pretend to believe in your pseudo-religious cult of gender identities./7
We want the right to say we don’t believe in gender identities. Canada is a liberal, pluralistic society, and freedom of belief is one of our fundamental rights. That means you are free to believe pretty much anything you like, but you cannot force that belief onto others./8
Just as a flat-earther doesn’t have the right to force me to believe the Earth is flat, or a Scientologist doesn’t have the right to force me to believe in thetans, you don’t have the right to force us to believe, or pretend to believe, in gender identities./9
We resent that one day, not only were we forced to believe in something we know isn’t true, but also we were forced to give up the safety and protection of female-only spaces for the sake of that something which doesn’t even exist./10
We were also supposed to pretend that children possessed these non-existent, imaginary gendered souls, and that if a child possesses a mismatched one, the answer is to sterilise them and permanently alter their bodies. We were forbidden from questioning this practice./11
So, as the Canadian mainstream media is too cowardly to report our side of the issue, we started sticking stickers on lampposts. In the hopes our message will reach people. Make them think. Make them ask questions. We don’t care if it offends you. We have a right to be heard./end

No topic in a liberal democratic society should be off the table for reasonable debate.  Yet here we are in 2022 with a seasoned educator being silenced and suspended for raising safeguarding concerns over ideological transgender literature being made available to children.  Don’t take my word for it.  See for yourself.


The studies regarding medical transition are not conclusive, yet here in select transgender children’s literature everything is a-fucking-okay.  This is an issue worth discussing in public and in great detail at the *very* least.

Canada’s National Post has run a story called No Dissent is Allowed:

“An Ontario school board is facing charges of censorship this week after shutting down a teacher’s presentation to the group, saying her comments about books on transgender issues violated the province’s human rights code

Carolyn Burjoski was discussing publications she said are available in the libraries of Kindergarten to grade six schools. She had begun to argue the books made it seem too simple and “cool” to medically transition to another gender when her presentation was cut short by the Waterloo Region District School Board’s chair.”

Ms. Burjoski’s presentation was about safeguarding children from potentially dangerous medical treatments.  Seems reasonable right?  (Wrong)

“Scott Piatkowski ruled she could not continue and the board eventually voted 5-4 to back up his decision. The fallout has continued since.

Though controversial and opposed by most transgender advocates, concerns have been voiced before — including by leading figures in the movement itself — that gender-dysphoric young people are sometimes pushed too aggressively into medical transition.

Piatkowski latertold a local CTV station , however, that Burjoski’s comments were actually transphobic and “questioned the right to exist” of trans people. Meanwhile, the organization took down its recording of the meeting — a regular, public session of elected officials — and had YouTube remove another copy of the video for alleged copyright infringement.”

Piatkowski and the Board have taken down the meeting off of youtube, fortunately the meeting recording has appeared elsewhere.

Go here and judge for yourself if *ANYTHING* Ms. Burjoksi says or presents is in the least bit ‘transphobic’ or in violation of the Canadian Human Rights Code (nothing is).

   Time Stamp Highlghts:

2:01 – Book called ‘Rick’ – That is about why Rick doesn’t think about naked girls.  He goes to a ‘rainbow club’ and identifies as ‘asexual’.  Counterpoint – Maybe Rick doesn’t have sexual feelings yet because Rick is a child.  Also a book that sexualizes and objectifies girls might not be appropriate reading for young girls (ed. or really *any* educational setting)

2:59 – The first warning from Piatkowski directed at Ms. Burjoski on the unfounded basis of her presentation somehow being against the Ontario Human Rights Code.

3:55 – Book called ‘Shane’ – The main character dismisses the very real consequences of being sterilized.  The book also makes medical transition seem like an easy cure to emotional and social distress. (ed. it most certainly is not).

4:16 – Ms. Burjoski shut down by Chair Piatkowski for alleged breach of Ontario Human Rights Code.

Watch the whole thing, but like any zoom meeting its disjointed and frustrating to watch especially when those who value critical analysis and freedom of speech are shut down.

A bit of a side bar for you, gentle reader to make the judgement for yourself of what the Ontario Human Right Code actually says and how it happens to be interpreted by Chair Piatkowski.  Here is a portion of the informal legal analysis by a Canadian lawyer justdad7 : 

“The Board refers to the Ontario Human Rights Code its own policies on human rights and equity and inclusion. There is also a policy on harassment.

There is nothing wrong with the board’s policies. They accurately reflect the requirements of the Human Rights Code and the case law interpreting it. The problem is the Board’s interpretation.

The Human Rights Code prohibits discrimination in the employment, housing and the provision of services on prohibited grounds of discrimination which include “race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability.”

It also prohibits harassment in employment or housing. Harassment “means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.” The board’s human rights policy elaborates on this definition and explains that harassment consists of conduct directed at an individual such as insults, epithets, persistent teasing and offensive jokes based on a protected characteristic. Nothing in Ms. Burjoski’s presentation could possibly fit this definition.

The Ontario Code does not attempt to regulate speech in general. Section 13 prohibits publication of a “notice, sign, symbol or emblem” that indicates an expression to discriminate but it is subject to a proviso that it shall not interfere with freedom of expression.”

Yeah…  So it would seem that these ‘human rights violations’ are really just important and valid concerns with gender ideology that desperately need to be discussed in context of their application in Public Schools.

Also Ms. Burjoski was then summarily excommunicated from her staff and students for her heretical statements.

“And then the teacher was given what she calls a “stay-at-home order” and told not to communicate with colleagues or students, though she’s still being paid and is slated to retire soon. On Thursday, she says her union rep informed her the board had appointed an outside investigator to examine her actions.”

Yep.  Did you think that freedom of speech is a valued tenet of our society? Try speaking out against the gender-religion and see how far you get.  Suspended in Burjoski’s case for wanting to discuss the appropriateness of sexualizing children and child safeguarding against still largely experimental medical gender therapies.

In her first interview on the affair, Burjoski said she was “flabbergasted” by what happened at the meeting and Piatkowski’s remarks afterward

“I am not a transphobic person. It’s crazy that just because you ask a question, the first thing people do is call you that,” she said. “We do need to have a conversation about the intersection of biology and gender. We’re not having those conversations in our culture because, look what happened to me.”

She said the order to stay away from school was likely meant to make an example of her: “The message is clear: no dissent is allowed.

No ideology is above reproach and measured critique by members of a free and open society, yet here we are watching a teacher be excommunicated for questioning the transgender doctrine in the context of prioritizing the safety of children.

If you are not asking questions about what transgender ideology is and how it affects children (and society) it is time to start.  How many more people are we going to let be silenced in the name of transgender orthodoxy?  Thankfully Ms. Burjoski is not going quietly.  Support her legal fund as she fights not to be silenced for making valid criticisms of a potentially pernicious ideology.

The struggle against the misogyny that is transgender ideology can be all consuming.  Sometimes it is asked, “We know what you’re fighting against, but what are you for?”.  This is what we are fighting for.   Thank you WDI Scotland for the clear enunciation of the goals and values being fought for.


Kathleen Lowrey is one the few and the brave women inside the University of Alberta that manage to retain an authentically feminist outlook.  Furthermore, her criticisms of the new gender ideology are spot on and her insights are useful in understanding the ontology of transactivism in academic and real-world settings.

Sex, Ptolemaic Style

“The pervasiveness of this formula helps to explain the widespread enthusiasm for gender identity ideology in the academy. The relevant flippages are of at least three kinds. First is the reversal of the sex:gender relation as it is commonly understood. Ordinarily sex has primacy. It is the biological given upon which the cultural constructions of gender are elaborated. In gender identity ideology, the terms are reversed. Gender is essential, and sex is the unsteady social construct. Second is the relation of men to women. Conventionally, the social standing of men is understood to be privileged relative to that of women. This relationship is reversed in gender identity ideology. Trans identified men (“transwomen”) are figured as vulnerable relative to women and are even described as the most vulnerable of all women. Third, the quotidian apprehension is that children develop their gender identities as they grow up and engage with and adjust to cultural norms. Under gender identity ideology, it is asserted that children know from very young ages exactly their gender identities independent of cultural conditioning. As a corollary, adult men who express gender identities late in life that appear to be wholly fashioned out of sexist cultural norms about femininity have in fact been real women–the very realest of women–all along. The department colleague who was my most enthusiastic denouncer placed two signs on her office door after I put up gender critical feminist messaging on mine: “trans rights are human rights” and “transwomen are women.” She understood very well the messaging required of a “trans ally” and displayed it quite correctly.

Gender critical feminists like me notice, of course, that one infinitely more often sees and hears the slogan “transwomen are women” than its counterpart “transmen are men.” To understand why this is the case, you’d have to pay attention to patterns of power in the world rather than to Ptolemaic valence-flipping. One of the signs on my office door that most infuriated feminist academic women colleagues on social media described the parallels between men’s rights activism and trans rights activism. Many feminist academic women clearly saw it as their moral and intellectual duty to decry this assertion.”

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