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In previous horseblogging, I may have mentioned that a number of the mares that came in, looked pregnant.  One of them is not pregnant any more!  Here she is with her two-day-old baby.


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24 new horses have arrived at Rescue 100, bringing the total up to 36 horses in care. Of this new bunch, 13 are stallions! There are some very interesting-looking horses in the new herd. Probably the prettiest is Bowie – named for his flamboyant eye makeup.

And this guy caused a flame war in an equine genetics group, when I asked the simple question, what colour would you call him.

The shit hits the fan, and somehow you make it through, with amazing panache. Then, when it’s over, you lose it.

Eleven new horses have come into care at Rescue 100.  Their pictures are up on their facebook page, but not on the website yet.  There are two stallions, seven mares, and two foals.  Of course, they were all running together; a couple of the mares look really pregnant and probably they all of them are.  These horses are in comparatively not-too-bad condition – they all need their hooves done, and you can see a bit of boniness even through some of their thick winter coats, but compared to some of the animals who have come through just about on death’s door from starvation, these are healthy.  The mares without foals are ready for placement immediately; the stallions will be available as soon as they have been gelded, and the foals will be available once they’re weaned.

Here is on of the mare/foal pairs; I’ll show you more pony pictures in the upcoming weeks.


The colt has one blue eye, which you can kindof see in this picture. So shaggy!

And look at his mama’s adorable freckled face!


fallHi everybody, just a random update from your friendly Intransigent blogger, to lighten the mood around here.  I have a tale of a happy convergence of circumstances. 

One day, I’m at the horse rescue and another volunteer invites me to come to a different horse-establishment to meet her horse.  Of course I said yes!  So we made a date, and I met up with her and her horse, and as we’re fussing over her horse and giving him treats, she asks me, have you ever thought of starting to ride again.  I (as cheerfully as I can manage) say “nope, I’m too fat.”

We carry on pampering her horse, and the owner of the barn stops by to chat.  “So,” she asks, quite innocently like there was no ulterior motive in getting me to visit, “Have you ever considered starting to ride again?”

I do my little nope too fat, shrug, self-deprecating laugh thing.

The barn owner looks me up and down, and says, “We have a couple lesson horses who could handle youno problem. Email me if you’d like to have a lesson sometime!”

I emailed her as soon as I got home, and lessons started the week after singing lessons ended for the summer!

A few observations upon getting back in the saddle after eighteen years on the ground:

  • Everything is still there mentally, but the balance and fitness to do what I remember, has left the building
  • Riding, especially posting trot, is way more exercise than I remember
  • Horses are still very silly, unpredictable animals
  • Falling off hurts about the same amount as ever



a chestnut horse rolling in the dirt
At my latest visit to Rescue 100, I was fast enough with my camera to catch Sophia going for a roll. The ground was much drier, so she didn’t get super-messy.

Yes, that is snow in the foreground. In May.

More horse pictures below the cut Read the rest of this entry »

…or not

a black horse covered in yellowish-grey mud
She chooses the muddiest spot in the whole pasture to go for a roll

A black horse with straw hanging down her face
And shovels hay around with her face before eating it

Pepper is not halterbroke, but is cautiously interested in humans. She is four years old, of unknown breeding, and available for placement in an appropriate forever home from Rescue 100 Horses Foundation.

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