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“I am changed forever more [after watching the Oct 7th video], there is your context madam presidents…this is not about a territorial dispute, it’s not about oppressors and the oppressed, it’s not about religion or ideology. Any agenda that was on the table before October 6 is forever gone, conversation is over. How dare you…what is wrong with you people, you know better…who do you answer to?…If Hamas behavior does not cross the line, then you don’t have one…light always prevails over darkness & good over evil.” powerful words from @DrPhil

The University of Alberta is my alma mater.  What the actual fuck is going on at this institution?  The University of Alberta’s Sexual Assault Centre signed a letter that denies the rape and sexual violence against Israeli women on October 7th, 2023 – the day when Hamas terrorists invaded Israel.  This incident of anti-antisemitism and misogyny was reported in the Toronto Sun.


“The University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre has signed onto an open letter penned by ousted Ontario MPP Sarah Jama that denies Israeli women were subjected to rape and sexual violence on Oct. 7.”

Let’s take a look at the open letter and see exactly what the Woke Left or the so called progressives are calling for:


“Residing in so called Canada” – This is plainly expressed hatred of a Western Nation and its values.  This is what the activist Left are about –  the tearing down of Western society and hatred for the values the West holds.

And there we have it black and white – Let me quote it for you. “Meanwhile, Jagmeet Singh repeated the unverified accusation that Palestinians were guilty of sexual violence…

Keep reading these depraved individuals somehow think they are on the side of morality and justice – while calling Canada a settler-colonial country.  Which country on earth hasn’t been settled at one time or another.  This bullshit anti-colonialism is nothing but a rancid attempt at justifying violence but making it sound “progressive”.  It is shit from stem to stern.

Note the unironic use of the phrase “right side of history…”


And there we have it.  The University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre signature on a letter endorsing the idea that Jewish women lied about the sexual violence and rape perpetrated against them by Hamas terrorists on October 7th, 2023.


Nothing short of the executive resigning in disgrace will be acceptable.





You cannot cure what you don’t understand.  Let’s, with the help from Woke Watch Canada, understand what is going on under the hood of the activist Left and their gender ideology.


“So what is the ideology behind the activists pushing these expanded pride flags? First it is clear that the ever more complex flags we are seeing represent the entrenchment of Critical Theory- the belief that our society is a kind of caste system made up of a hierarchy of identity based groups. Your intersectional identity supposedly dictates your place in this dystopian country we are said to inhabit. We are told it is our duty to break this oppressive system down! But don’t ask for actual empirical evidence that this hierarchy exists (do believe any anecdotal evidence, though) and don’t ask too many questions about what the system that is going to replace the current one will look like.

Trans activists claim their place at the zenith of the oppression hierarchy (most oppressed) and thus portray any opposition to their gender ideology- a belief system holds that a person’s gender is some kind of ethereal essence, akin to a soul, which is untethered to the biological sex of a person’s body- as transphobia. Their goal is to win maximum public acceptance of this belief system. The key to entrenching any ideology is of course the indoctrinaiton of youth. Thus the battle rages in our schools. Youth, who are confused in general as they are learning about the ever more complex world in which they find themselves, are exceptionally vulnerable. The gender activists know that, which is why they try to keep potentially recalcitrant parents in the dark as long as possible.

Since this “sexed soul” concept is a rather hard sell among rationally minded people, activists have another front on their attack which is to deny the biological sex binary even exists. These denials usually come from social scientists rather than biologists but are nevertheless often effective in conflating biological sex with gender identity (a person’s internal feeling as to the sex to which they belong) among the general public, most of whom are not well versed when it comes to reproductive biology. 

Given all the above, you can see why people generally, and devoutly religious people especially, would object to the indoctrination into gender ideology taking place in Ontario schools. For the gender ideology activists, it is convenient to point to the many truly homo and transphobic people out there and then paint all opposed to gender ideology with one brush, but that does not change the fact that there are plenty of people who accept and support the rights of gay and trans people yet do not accept gender ideology. Many such people are in fact gay or trans themselves!

In a free and democratic society, no schools should be indoctrinating kids into any kind of ideology. Students should be taught what we currently understand to be scientific fact, along with the understanding that what is believed to be true today may be proved false tomorrow. Knowledge is not socially constructed, as the Critical Theory proponents would have you believe, but rather acquired by making observations, formulating hypotheses, and then testing those hypotheses through carefully controlled experiments. 

The idea that sex is anything other than the body’s intended reproductive strategy has no scientific validity at all. Of course gender identity, on the other hand, is a personal matter. But it should be pointed out that without a clear definition of biological sex, it would be impossible to associate behaviours, attitudes, feelings, etc. as male or female. Thus gender identity rests on the sex binary (which holds notwithstanding the tiny number of intersex people). This is an example of the kind of nuance kids need to be able to understand before making permanent and life-altering decisions like drug regimens and surgeries. 

Gender ideology has gained a great deal of traction in the Western world. It has captured many of our institutions. Given the egregious history of oppression gay and trans people have faced, the lure to want to be “on the right side of history” and accept the ideology is understandable. But anyone who ever embraced any ideology always believed that they were right, and looking back at the 20th century we see the human misery in the wake of many fervently held ideologies, all of which employed the strategy of state indoctrination of youth. 

Thus, while it is appropriate that students should learn about Critical Theory and gender ideology in school when they are old enough to understand them, it is equally important that they not be indoctrinated into these belief systems. 

Sadly, the pride flag, which once simply represented a basic call for acceptance and human dignity for gay people, has been appropriated by gender ideologues who would tell young kids that they may have been “born in the wrong body”. People who, in the interest of promoting their personal ideology, are ready to shepherd our youth down an irreversible path of drugs and surgeries based on nothing more than the coerced say-so of kids as young as 4 years old. Decades of studies, as related in the excellent BBC video Transgender Kids, exist to show that most gender dysphoria-suffering kids eventually grow to accept their bodies and go on to be relatively well adjusted adults.

The Paradox of Tolerance has been misused by those, mostly the activist left, in an attempt to quell freedom of speech and expression.  Find the full essay here.

How many times has it happened to you? The activist left often call this “flipping the script”.

In Canada, the struggle will have to be at the grassroots level, and unfortunately against the organizations that many of us once called home.


Politics: Federal, Provincial, Local

“Ultimately this will be won or lost based on real politics, and elections at the Municipal, Provincial and Federal levels. While it is helpful overall to have not-woke people at City hall, the thrust of municipal elections for schools is done through the school board elections. More on this below.

Realistically, given the current slate of political parties, left, right or centre, the only prospects for pushback against woke ideology will come from the right- that means conservative and populist parties. The NDP has been predominantly identity politics focused since the 1990s, and has gone almost completely woke – they are no longer the voice of the working class. The Green Party, once a refuge for the not-woke left, submitted rapidly over the past few years. The Liberals have generally succumbed, especially with the current Prime Minister, and while there may be many members who do not like woke ideology they feel their hands are tied. Even the conservative parties are questionable with little support in Ontario from the pretend populist Doug Ford, – some are wavering elsewhere. Only the populist parties (People’s Party, UCP, Sask United Party, New Blue, Ontario Party and now CAQ) have shown reliability in opposing wokeism.

It is a tough pill to swallow for those of us who have traditionally been left to support right wing parties, but it is now no longer possible to expect the woke movement to simply fall out of fashion. The only way to save the left is to punish it. Across the English speaking world, every party not on the right is culturally incapable of pushing back against wokeism.”


As always, definitions are important.  This is what ‘woke’ actually is, as opposed to what is members claim it to be:


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